Chapter 38

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This dance is—

"Jeongguk... You're hurting me." Jimin pointed, which made Jeongguk immediately let go and place a soft kiss on the older's wrist.

"Sorry, love. Does it hurt a lot?"

The older he shook his head and quietly sat down, "You left Joon alone there. Ah, Jeongguk, you get so jealous~"

Jeongguk pouted, "Of course I do! You do too, but you get scary when you're angry! I remember the last time a person was too touchy, you nearly drop-kicked that person! You were seriously so jealous back in university!"

Jimin blushed and shook his head, "No, I wasn't!"

"Yes, you were~"

The older one grabbed his husband's wrist and pulled him towards him. He pulled the younger down and connected his lips with Jeongguk. The raven-head softly hummed, hand reaching to caress Jimin's cheek.

Jimin smiled and laid down while Jeongguk climbed over him. They were kissing passionately, unaware of Taehyung standing with Seokjin, Jeonsan, and Wonhae, who was in his arms.

Seokjin quickly covered Jeonsan's eyes.


Jeongguk and Jimin flinched and quickly backed away from each other and fixed their attire. Jeongguk fixing his suit he still had on from work and Jimin fixing his hospital clothes.


Jeonsan rushed to him, and Jimin lifted him up but was met with a shock of pain in his chest. He placed Jeonsan down and went on his knees and hugged him instead.

"Papa! Ree and I drew butterflies, and our teacher hung it at our art corner!" Jimin made a shocked face and praised his son, who was giggling uncontrollably.

"Hi, Jimin. How are you feeling?" Seokjin asked with a smirk on his face. His tone sounded more teasing.

"F-Fine! What brings you guys here? Didn't you have a date today?"

Jeongguk rushed towards Wonhae and picked him, trying to make baby noises so he could make the little one laugh. He just adored kids.

"We did, but we thought we'd check on you before heading out. You seem to be doing fine except for your hair..."

Jimin whined, "Don't point it out! I seriously think it'll never grow back again, and that scares me!"

Taehyung laughed, hugging his best friend, "No, you dumb ass. It will. Plus, bald Jimin is sexy." The red-haired then gave a smirk and sent a flying kiss.

Jeongguk had to control his laughter. Seokjin was growing red from not being able to laugh while Jimin just kept smacking his best friend.

"Papa, I'm hungry! Can we eat?"

Jimin nodded his head, "Would you like to go eat? The hospital cafeteria isn't half bad!"

Jeonsan excitedly nodded and ran towards his dad; tugging Jeongguk's suit, wanting to go eat.

"Sure, Sannie. Just a second— Here, Taehyung."

Taehyung took Wonhae from Jeongguk and kissed his nose gently, "My baby~ do you want to sleep? Should we put you to sleep?~ Are you hungry, my little prince?"

He got no reply but just a gurgle and sighed, "When is he going to start talking? I'm confused because I don't know what he's thinking."

"Well, that's because he was only born a month ago, Tae."

"Anyways, we'll get off your backs and be on our way. Seokjin here said he planned a special date just for me~" Taehyung sang-song.

Jimin just waved them away. He did feel a little envy. He wanted to go on dates with Jeongguk too. He wanted to make love, wanted to go on family trips, and whatnot. The only thing standing between his complete happiness was his illness.

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