Chapter 11

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Jimin, I'm scared—

Despite their little argument. Jeongguk still did not show any change. He only came home an hour earlier. Jimin understood that. Jeongguk was obviously a company owner, a popular one at that. Though, somewhere deep in his heart, he felt slightly hurt.

He was currently sitting on the dining table, enjoying the food he cooked. Delicious spaghetti with vegetable salad as a side dish. Jeonsan was currently asleep in his room.

Jimin smiled to himself. Tomorrow's a weekend. I can spend all the time I want with Guk and Sannie. We should go out! It's been a while since we had fun. Hmm, about an ice rink? Or the beach?

He was sipping on his soft drink when he heard the doorbell ring. Excitedly, he got up and ran towards the main door. His hopes plummeted down when he saw his doctor, Min Yoongi, standing with a smile on his face.

"Hi, Jimin! Were you expecting someone else? We had an appointment booked today at 10 pm... I hope you didn't forget?"

Jimin bowed in embarrassment and gestured the older to come in. "I'm so sorry. It completely flew by my mind. Um, can I get you anything?"

"Just water, thank you."

Jimin was feeling tired, but he had to go through thirty minutes of checking and talking. Handing the glass of water, he gestured Yoongi to sit on the chair across from the couch.

"So, describe your condition."

"I felt like I was running out of breath two days ago. Me and Guk had a mini argument, and I might have raised my voice a little. Other than that, I feel mostly tired, and it's sometimes difficult to breathe, but it's bearable. Um, I think that's it? I cough from time to time, too."

Yoongi jotted down the points on his clipboard and hummed go himself, "Normal Symptoms. They seem to be appearing after—"


Jeongguk's voice rang through the house, making Jimin jump off the couch and run towards Jeongguk. This is the earliest he's come!!

"Minnie~". Pecking Jimin's lips, he embraced the younger in a warm right hug. "I got off early today! Isn't it great?"  Jimin nodded and again, went back to the couch, not forgetting to apologize to the doctor who shrugged it off.

"I heard you and Jimin had a fight."

Jeongguk rubbed his nape nervously. "Yeah, it was a small argument—"

"Don't do that. Don't make him raise his voice. If he gets worked up, it's difficult for him. If he's mad or if he's yelling. Do not make him yell. It'll only worsen his condition. He's on a nice track to recovery, and it would be a pain if we took the wrong path."

Jeongguk felt slightly guilty, nodded his head, and side-hugged his husband tighter. "Understood, doctor. Well, um... I'll leave you both to it. I'll be in our room, okay baby?"

Jimin nodded.


The three of them whipped their head towards Jeonsan, who held his bee plushie with a pout. "My cloud lamp closed by itself... It's dark in there."

Yoongi saw Jeonsan and gestured the boy to come up to him. He had a very soft spot for kids. He always wanted a child of his own, but his fiancé, Hoseok, wasn't ready yet.

Jeonsan walked up to the doctor, and the doctor immediately picked him up and set him in his lap. "You woke up from the middle of your sleep?"

Jeonsan nodded.

"Ah, you're so cute!! Looking at you makes me want to have kids. I want a daughter and want to name her Jihyun, meaning wisdom or intellect."

The married couple looked at the two in awe, "You really like kids, huh?"

"What does my name mean?"

"Compassion or easiness"

Jeonsan looked surprised for a second before his face morphed into a smile, "Can I call you Uncle Yoon?" Yoongi looked taken a back. He looked at the two standing in front, who seemed to enjoy what the older was going through.

"Y-Yeah, sure. Call me whatever you want."

And like that, their night was filled with jokes and laughter.




"You're so mean!"

"Shut up, let me sleep, asshole."

Jeongguk once again pouted and huffed. His hands slyly made towards Jimin's rear, only to result in Jimin slapping his hand away.

"Bitch, I'll kill you."

Glaring at the raven head, Jimin moved away from him and closed his eyes once again.

"Jimin~ Let me smack that thick ass of yours!"

Jimin scoffed in disbelief, "What's with you, why are you being so horny?"

Jeongguk stuck out his bottom lip, pouting. "I missed you, now come to me~"

Jimin rolled his eyes, moving forward he laidd close to Jeongguk who was now happily content. Jeongguk pulled the older to his chest and stroking his head in a protective manner.

"My secretary, she's did something today."

Jimin hummed in response, indicating he wanted the younger to continue.

"She kissed m—kissed someone in front of me. It was hilarious cause I was just dumbstruck and they were heavily making out." Jeongguk chuckled sending vibrations to Jimin's body.

Jimin giggled, "Then what happened?"

"The were about to confess when I butt in. Oh, my God you should have seen the look on their faces. I'm not sure if they were embarrassed or terrified! I told them to take their private matters to home. It was seriously so funny, Minnie."

Jimin hummed again, he was so tired and barely could keep his eyes open.

"Night, Night."

Jimin hummed again.

Oh? So, you're going to keep humming to everything? Jeongguk smirked.

"You're a baby."

Jimin hummed again.

"I'm one hot ass husband."

Jimin didn't reply making Jeongguk look at him and saw Jimin was smiling slightly.


"Can you shut up, I swear. If you say one more thing, I'll kick you out."

Jeongguk sighed, rolling his eyes, he decided to just rest. Hugging the silver hair closer. He closed his eyes, finding warmth and comfort; hoping he'll sleep soon.

Jimin, I'm really really scared

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