Chapter 14

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I feel like I've—

"Taehyung, what's all this?" Hae-won asked the boy who held multiple shopping bags. "They're for the baby! Since it's a boy, I went ahead and bought clothes, toys and and all that baby stuff!"


Taehyung widely smiled, "Yeah?"

"This won't last long, you know? Our marriage, I mean. I have someone else..."

Taehyung nodded and looked at his wife, "I know that! But shouldn't we make the best of it? You still have your woman while my man left me and disappeared off the face of the earth... You wanted a child, and I helped both of you..."

Hae-won giggled.

"Why are you so worried? He told you he went to study abroad, didn't he? You'll see him soon, Taehyung."

The older pouted, "Yeah, but it's been five years... Does it take that long?"

Hae-won made Taehyung sit down and hold his hands, "You know, you're very strong for this. You've held for so long! I'm sure you can do it a little bit more. I promise, once your boyfriend comes here, we can divorce and I can go back to my love and you can go back to yours. Won't that be amazing? Ah, thinking about it makes me cry in happiness."

It's true. Hae-won and Taehyung were never really in love. You can say they had a business relationship. Hae-won, who was a Lesbian, was unable to conceive a child with her lover and had asked Taehyung to help her out, to which Taehyung agreed. Of course, Taehyung had asked his boyfriend before continuing the process.

Unfortunately, Taehyung was stuck to marry Hae-won since it was his father's wish. His father supported his sexuality without a doubt, but Taehyung's boyfriend had left before he could even ask about marriage, which led to Taehyung marrying Hae-won.

"Hae-won, you're not in love with me, are you?"

"Pfft! Never!"

Taehyung smiled in relief, "Yeah, same."


"Can you not act like this?"

Jimin scoffed and arched an eyebrow, "Act like what?"

"Like this."

They were arguing again, and Jimin was not having it. It's not that older didn't understand his husband's work. He honestly didn't seem to care anymore, but what triggered him was when Jeongguk started going out on weekends, too.

"It's Saturday. It's family time. I can't understand why you're going to work!"

Jeongguk clenched his Jaw and gave a glare towards the silver head, "I have company to handle."

And a secretary breathing down my throat.

"That's not my point! You're suddenly changing. You were never like this, never!"

"Can't people change?"

Jimin looked away and clenched his fists. All he wanted was to spend some time with his family, but from the older's perspective, Jeongguk was not in the mood for it.

"I'll be back by ten!"

"That's what you said yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week last month!. Again, again, again, you keep saying the same thing!"

Jimin slightly scrunched his face when he felt the same knife stabbing pain in his chest. He chose to ignore it.

Jeongguk noticed when Jimin started breathing heavily and scanned his husband, "Jimin... Are you okay?
W-Why are you breathing like that..?"

Jimin hunched over and tried to hit his chest so he could breathe again. Jeongguk's eyes widened, and he immediately ran towards his husband. "Hey, Hey... It's okay. Try to breathe."

Jeongguk turned towards the bedside table he opened the top drawer. Catching the object he was looking for, he made Jimin sit down, shake the object for ten seconds, and then push the object towards Jimin's mouth. His other hand supported the back of his head.

Jimin, who had tears falling from his eyes, desperately took the inhaler and breathed through it. Tilting his head slightly upwards, he breathed in.

"Okay. Deep breaths, okay? Inhale, wait for ten seconds, and then exhale slowly, okay? Can you do that for me, love?"

Jimin nodded and did exactly what Jeongguk told.

He did this three times, as instructed by his doctor.

Letting go of the object, he fell towards Jeongguk as the younger immediately side-hugged him. Jimin was softly crying, slightly trembling.

"Shh, I'm here... It's going to be okay."

Jimin was too tired to push away the younger. He just rested in his embrace.

Jeongguk started to feel guilty towards the older. Dr. Min had warned him never to let Jimin raise his voice, and he failed to do that.

"I'm so sorry, Minnie. I'm really so sorry..."


"WHAT'S UP HOE— Where are they?" Taehyung walked into the living room to find no one. He then heard sobbing noises from under the dining table, which was kept on the far left of the corner near the attached kitchen.

"Sannie? Why are you crying? Come here."

Jeonsan shook his head and turned away from Taehyung. The red-haired was baffled.

Taehyung pulled at Jeonsan slightly and managed to get him to come from under the table. Taehyung pulled Jeonsan to his lap and hugged him.

"Who hurt my precious boy? Hm?"

Jeonsan sniffled, "Papa and Daddy are fighting... again..."

Taehyung sighed, continuing to comfort the crying boy, "Let's go check it out? Do you wanna check it out with Uncle Tae?"

Jeonsan hesitated for a bit but nodded. He hugged Taehyung tightly  and buried his head in the older's neck.

Taehyung walked upstairs, heading towards the couple's room.

The door was slightly ajar, so Taehyung pushed the door open a little bit more to find Jimin crying while Jeongguk side-hugged him.

"I thought you said they were fighting...?" Taehyung whispered.

"They were..."

Taehyung walked in and cleared his throat, catching their attention, "Oh, you're here..."

Jimin didn't budge from his position. Instead, he got up and laid down on his side of the bed, turning away from the three of them.



Jeonsan gestured the red head to let him down, and he did just that. The little boy waddled around the bed and stood in front of his father. He lightly smiled and kissed Jimin's cheek.

"I love you, Papa."

Jimin's heart swelled.

He landed another kiss, this time on his dad's forehead.

The silver hair made space for him and gestured his son to lay down with him, to which he happily complied. Jeonsan cuddled up to Jimin and smiled in content.

The other two looked at them in awe, but once they looked at each other, Taehyung gave the raven head a glare.

"You got some explaining to do."

forever lost you

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