Chapter 29

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Loving you—

"That hurts!" Jimin screamed.

"I know, but you have to do this."

Jimin teared up. It felt like his body was on fire, even the veins in his body felt like they were burning.

"D-Do, I have to do this every single day for eight months?!"

Yoongi chuckled, "No, Jimin. Just once a week for eight months."

"... Does it really hurt that bad?" Jeongguk carefully spoke.

"Why don't you try it?" Jimin snapped, "Who even let you in here anyway?"

Jeongguk shut his mouth and sat down away from Jimin. His lover was going through a lot of pain, so he didn't mean what he was saying... Right?

Jimin whimpered when he felt a sharp pain in his left hand, "How am I supposed to do this for eight months when I can't even handle it for a day?"

"Chemotherapy is a pain, but it is one of the ways to keep you alive. After a while, you just get used to it." Hoseok replied.

Jeongguk got up and decided to check up on Taehyung. The older one was going through a lot, and he wanted to make sure if he was okay or if he had eaten. He knocked on his door twice and then entered the room; surprised to find it open.

"Taehyung. It's me."

Taehyung's head shot up, and he wiped his tears away, "A-Ah! Jeongguk! You startled me."

"I knocked, though."

Taheyung nervously laughed, "What brings you here?"

"Jimin's getting treated in the other room, and I wanted to check up on you. Have you eaten something?"

The red-haired sighed. He hadn't eaten anything since last night, and he did feel a bit hungry but had no energy to get up and get himself some food.

"Do you want me to cook you something? How about Bread and Eggs?"

Taehyung enthusiastically nodded his head, already feeling his stomach grumble and mouth water, "And orange juice!"

Jeongguk smiled, "On it!"

He closed the door and made his way towards the kitchen.

Quickly grabbing the ingredients. He placed a frying pan on the stove and ignited it. Pouring the oil, he let it wait for a few seconds before cracking an egg and letting it fall in the frying pan. He waited a minute or two before flipping the yolk, knowing Taehyung wasn't a fan of raw yolk. He fried the egg completely and then placed it on the plate. Whipping out two slices of bread from the packet, He toasted them. Once the breakfast was complete. He grabbed a pinch of salt and sprinkled it over the egg.

He kept the plate in a tray and placed the glass containing orange juice next to it, and finally made his way towards Taehyung's room.

"Here you go. Enjoy!"

"Thank you, Guk! Oh right, are you okay?"

Jeongguk just smiled at him.


Jimin was so tired. His treatment lasted for two hours. The pain was unbearable, and he managed to deal with it.

"You okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay?"

"Okay, Jeez... You don't have to be so mean to me. It hurts..." Jeongguk whispered.

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Should've thought of that when you got a woman pregnant."

Jeongguk clenched his fists.

"You know what? Enough! I'm sick and tired of you treating me like some trash. You don't even know the whole truth, and you're pointing fingers. I'm sick and tired of your bullshit!" Jeongguk yelled which made Jimin's eyed widen, "You don't think I'm a fucking human being? Just because you think that I cheated on you, makes it a validation for you to treat me like I'm nothing? Is that it, Jimin? You don't even know anything!"

"J-Jeongguk, I—"

"Forget it! Thank fuck today is a weekend and I get to spend time with my son for two whole days." He looked back at Jimin, "At least Taehyung treats me like I'm human."

He closed the door leaving Jimin to ponder in what Jeongguk had just told him. He suddenly let his tears fall and whimpered, "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."



Jeonsan ran towards his dad who was just outside his school's main gate. Jeongguk kneeled down and let his son embrace him in a warm, healing hug. Jeonsan giggled when his dad kissed his forehead and happily, he kissed his dad's forehead.

"Hello, my little bun! How was school?"

"We played with blocks today and— Oh! Pap didn't come today at school!"

Jeongguk nodded his head and started the ignition, "Yes, I know. Papa was getting his treatment so he took a day off."

Jeonsan nodded his head and giggled, "Daddy~"

"I know that tone~ What is that you want?"


Jeongguk nodded his head and with that he drove towards the nearest yet most expensive shop.

While driving, Jeongguk sang songs and Jeonsan clapped for him. Both of them giggling and smiling.

"We're here!"

Jeonsan looked outside the car window and furrowed his eyebrows, "Daddy, where are we?"

"You'll see~"

Jeongguk picked his son up not forgetting to lock the car. He made his way into the majestic looking shop and smiled when he met a familiar employee.

"Mr. Jeon! Welcome to Korea Fashion. I, Kim Sung-Jae, will be your assistant for today."

"I'd like to get my son some shirts. Please know that he likes the color blue a lot so just find him something to his liking. Also find him the best shoes and pants as well."

Sung-Jae bowed and grabbed Jeonsan's hand gently, "Let's go, little one."

Jeonsan happily skipped towards the kids section with the employee while Jeongguk decided to buy something for his parents, Taehyung and... His husband too.

After almost an hour of shopping. He got a nice dress for his mother, a suit for his father, a dress shirt for Taehyung and a suit for Jimin. Jeonsan had got two blue shirts that was accompanied by two black slacks and two matching black shoes.

Jeongguk paid for everything and the employees kept the bags in his car despite Jeongguk asking them not to.

That day ended perfectly with both father and son having dinner together and Jeonsan hugging his dad to sleep.

Was not a mistake

I loved you | Jikook ✓Where stories live. Discover now