Chapter 18- Peanut Butter Oreos

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Wow guys I literally can't stop changing the cover page... I'm super sorry that my chapters have been short and underdeveloped lately, I'm just finding it difficult to balance this book and everything else in my life. Like seriously, I just had this super long tournament this weekend and I should be sleeping lol... ANYWAYSSSSSS
This chapter might be short but hey I think that it's better than nothing.

:'( this chapter didn't go as planned....
Song: Still by Daughter

Chapter 18- Peanut Butter Oreos

Three days. For three pitifully long days, I've been sulking in my room. I've been ignoring the outside world completely, only emerging from my shelter of covers when I was hungry or had to use the bathroom.

I couldn't go to school and face the pitiful states of my classmates or glare at Mr. Rudolf's guilty face. I couldn't even bring myself to face Collin or Lucas.

My life was falling apart right in front of my eyes.
It wasn't my fault that I pushed people away though. No. My parents did this to me when they decided to never be around. They made me this way when they thought gifts sent home from exotic places, like Bali, would make up for their absence.

My best friend died and my boyfriend put my whole family in danger because of his gang activities or whatever. Did my parents know? No.

I burrowed deeper into my blankets and let out a deep sigh. My eyes fluttered shut as I tried to forget everything for just a moment.

Why was life this hard? I've been a good girl...for the most part.

My door creaked open a few moments later and a head popped in.

"Chris?" I recognized the voice immediately.

"Not here right now. Don't come back later. Beep." I turned over in my bed and groaned. Like I said, I was a good girl for the most part. I heard a deep breath of annoyance from the other side of the door.

Well I didn't ask for you to come bother me and I certainly didn't ask for your sass. I rolled my eyes as I kept my thoughts to myself.

"Look, Christopher, I just wanted to know if you wanted to talk about it." Dasia was being nice to me? No way.

"Hey could you do me a favor and look out my window to see if there are pigs flying around?"

I could practically see her rolling her eyes.
"Grow up, Chris. I can be a nice person."

I scowled at her before sitting up slowly. A rush of blood ran through my head.

"As if."

"Cher, much?" Dasia smiled at my choice of words. We used to stay up late watching Clueless while waiting for our parents to come home. Sadly, it was a tradition that had faded over the years.

I laughed briefly before sobering up.

"Seriously though. What do you want?"

She sighed. "I really do want to talk!!" She was talking to me as if I had a thick skull, which I did not appreciate. I rolled my eyes before lying back down.

"The number you have dialed is out of service. Forever," I covered my eyes with my arm as I spoke.

There was silence for a few minutes, until I peeked out of my sheets to see an empty room. No Dasia.

I was about to roll over and go back to sleep when I heard the door open again.

What in the name of sweet cinnamon buns is it now?

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