Chapter 20- News Flash, Blue's Clues

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A/N: so I owe you all an apology... MY BAD HOMIE G... Anyways thanks to all of your lovely comments 😘😘y'all be bæs

WARNING: this chapt escalates quickly...

Kay now on with it!!!


Chapter 20- News Flash, Blue's Clues.

I woke up with my cheek pressed against a hard, cold surface. Well that's a weird way to wake up...
I sat up quickly, ignoring the pounding sensation that beat at my skull. I had changed my mind. Chloroform was definitely not a classy way to go.

I blinked my eyes as my surroundings became clearer. I was currently in a putrid jail cell-like holding area. The whole place was damp and smelled like rotting peaches. Don't ask how I know what those smell like... I just do.

Light filtered from the other side of the room I was in. The bars between me and the door kept me from escaping. I shrank further into the corner as the memories crashed down on me.

Mr. Black. My family. Collin Coleman. Everything.

I noticed that they had left me my phone. My instincts told me to not call for help so I cast it aside. It had to be a trap. Mr. Black's gang was too strong to leave my phone with me without a catch. I definitely didn't want to find out.

I pushed myself farther into a corner as I fully accepted the circumstances. I was alone.

My family was possibly being hurt, Collin was beyond pissed with me, Lucas was suicidal, and my best friend was dead. What if I died here?!

Pull it together, Chris!!

My parents were most likely unaware of the situation and probably wouldn't leave to help if they were in a meeting. Sad, but true.

I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt the warm liquid fall onto my lap.

Ugh! C'mon Chris. You're stronger than this. I was acting pitiful and I knew it.

Before I could fully give myself a proper pep talk, the door opened. I kept my eyes down until a pale wrist slid in between the bars of my cell, reaching for me.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. My eyes shot up to the owner of the wrist when I noticed the star etched into the skin.

Ms. Chefferton.


A stony grimace overtook my teacher's face--(if she was even qualified to be one....) "I warned you." My mind flashed back to that day in class.
"I'm on your side, so as advice from one friend to another, I strongly advise you to stay out of things you don't understand." She said.

She was talking about this...

I watched in shock as she undid the lock and pulled me to my feet.

How could this be?!

I allowed her to pull me to wherever we were going; keeping my eyes peeled for an escape route.

The first thing I noticed when I arrived was the distinct smell that hung in the air.

It was citrus-y. It kind of reminded me of clementines. A sick feeling settled in my stomach as a wave of sadness washed over me.

I had no choice but to ride out the tides of depression.

Depressing...yes. But I create my finest Tumblr worthy work in serious situations. I kept my head down as I approached the sound of talking.

One voice stood out in particular. Steven Black.

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