Chapter 11- The Gingerbread Man

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Special thanks to blacccherry’s and mary_122’s FANTABULOUS comments. Love you <3 Keep ‘em coming ;)

Chapter 11- The Gingerbread Man

When did things get so messed up?? I rolled over in bed and finally drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Or maybe it wasn’t dreamless and I just forgot about having it. I’ve always wondered about that.

“I’m breaking the habits!!”  Linkin Park blasted through the speakers of my phone. 6:00 am. Grrr… I groaned and wiped my eyes. I swung my legs over the bed and almost regretted it immediately.

A sharp pain seared through my head and and equally sharp pain went through the lower left side of my stomach.


What day is it? How could I not realize? I groaned and hobbled over to the bathroom.

I grabbed a pad, too lazy for a tampon. Of all the days. Well, at least I had a test today in math. I chuckled. Not anymore. I groaned and reached for the medicine cabinet. WHERE ARE THOSE FUDGING PILLS?!?!?!

I sighed in relief, clutching the familiar bottle for dear life as another wave of pain crashed over me. I quickly popped some pills into my mouth and swallowed them.

It was reallly hot… I stripped down to my bra and panties. Oh dear Cheeseburger.

I snuggled into my bed before rolling over to sleep again; hoping for some sort of release from the pain.

There was a knock on my door. Ignore it and it will go away. I told myself.

Ignore it.


Ignore it.

Knock. Knock.

Ignore it.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

 “AHHH sjdbgkbdifblusvbkhfbak” I screamed into my pillow. Now that I was awake, I could clearly feel the pain. Tears rolled down my cheeks and to top it off, my nose was even pinker than usual. I sighed and rolled my eyes throwing on my glasses.

 “Go. The. FUDGE. AWAY.” I yelled while throwing on a pair of shorts and a long sleeve shirt. My arms were cold.

 “I’m sorry to bother you, Miss Christopher.” It was Cynthia.

 I groaned. “What??”

 “You have a visitor.” A visitor?

 “Is it Lindella?”

 “No Miss. It’s-”

 “Is it Lucas?” I croaked. My throat hurts.

 “No Miss. It’s-”

 “Did they bring throat drops?”

 There was murmuring on the other side of the door.

 “No, but-”

 “No? Then tell them to go away.”

 “But he-”

 “I. DONT. CARE.” I groaned to no one in particular. “I can’t go to school today.”

 “Are you okay Miss?”

 Do I sound okay?! I wanted to hiss but I refrained seeing as though she actually cared.

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