Chapter 17- Just Tell Me Already

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Chapter 17- Just Tell Me Already

No. No. No. I burst through Lucas's door and ran home. I didn't care that I left my Porsche or my keys or whatever else I had left. My mind was concentrated on Lindella. She couldn't possibly be dead!! How could I have not seen the signs earlier?! Salty tears streamed down my face as I willed my legs to go faster. Cold air nipped at my lungs as I inhaled desperately. I skidded to a stop outside of my house and caught my breath.
I stumbled through the door, tripping over the door step and landing into a heap, not caring who saw my "graceful" entrance. I hiccuped. The overwhelming urge to throw up racked my body as the world spun on its invisible axis. Black spots invaded my vision but before they could conquer, two muscular arms wrapped themselves around me. I relaxed slightly as Collin whispered soothing words in my ears.

"It's going to be all right."

No. It really isn't.

"Calm down, Chris."

I'm not yelling, am I? ...Idiot.

"It's all going to be alright..."

Stop saying that!!

I broke free out of irritation and decided to avoid the gaze of all three people that surrounded me. Cynthia, Dasia, Collin. The wall looked more interesting.

"Babe listen," the urgency of Collin's voice broke my trance. I gave him the look to continue. He had me at 'babe'.

He took a deep breath. I watched as his chest rose and fell. Lindella's chest no longer had the luxury to do so. I bit down on my lip hard to stop the relentless sobs. Instead, I focused on Collin.

"This is going to sound crazy, Chris, but your not safe here. You need to leave the state."

I almost laughed at his joke until I realized that it was no joke. His dark eyes held seriousness and truth behind them.

"Wait are you being serious?" I asked even though I already knew the answer to that question. I ran my hair through my rumpled blonde hair before waving Dasia and Cynthia off. They left, leaving me alone with Joke Boy here.

"Collin why am I not safe and why do I need to leave the State?" He looked away from my deadly gaze. Yes, even in the midst of a depressing moment, I can still give death glares, and they are still on point.

"Listen, Chris-"

"I'm listening Collin! I've been listening. Just spit it out." I was growing irritated.

"I'm... I'm.."

I groaned. "You're what? Sorry? Yeah, you should be." I got up to leave mumbling about how he had the audacity to waste my time. I was halfway up when his arms reached up to me and pulled me back down and into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me like a desperate boa constrictor. But at the same time, he held me like I was porcelain, ready to break.
I inhaled his cinnamon bun scent and hugged him back. His deep voice whispered in my ear, "I want to tell you Chris, I really do... But it's hard for me."
I sighed and pulled back before gently pressing my lips to his own. "Just tell me." I whispered back, my lips tingling.

He took a deep breath before looking directly into my eyes. "I'm in a gang, Chris."

Nothing to say. Nothing to feel. I simply stared at Collin as he explained his past to me.

"I was in a gang, the Low Riders gang, because of my ex-girlfriend. The gang that I was apart of, thought that she wasn't good for me and was a distraction, so... So they killed her right in front of me," he paused to choke back a sob.

"I joined the rival gang, the local neighbourhood gang, in hopes of getting revenge on the Low Riders. But I'm over my ex and I have you and I can't get out of this current gang, Chris and I'm scared. For your safety and for mine."

I couldn't process any of this. Not now, especially. My best friend just died and now it's likely that I'll join her.

"What about my family?" He looked away.

"Collin! Answer the freaking question."

"They're also in danger..."

I saw red. I pushed him away and stood up. "You put my family in danger?!" I can't believe you...." I shook my head in disappointment and disbelief.

"Get out of my house." I looked away from him, disgusted.

"Chris, just listen to me-"

"You've said enough, Collin." I spat out his name like it was venom. "Go."

His eyes turned cold and hard as stone.
"Fine." He grabbed his leather jacket and left angrily.

"Fine!" I yelled back, desperate to have the last word.

"Fine!" I heard Collin yell in the distance.

"Fine!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before slamming the door shut so I couldn't hear him anymore. If I couldn't hear didn't count.

I ran up to my room and closed that door too. I flopped down onto my fluffy bed and rolled over in thought.

Collin was in a gang. My family's in danger. I was in danger... Lindella was dead.

I sighed and quickly thought back to Collin. He said that he was in a local neighbourhood gang... So wouldn't more local people be in it?

I thought back to everyone I knew. Stephanie Black could definitely be in it. For all I know, she could be leading it. That she-devil of a she-man... Then it clicked.

Mr. Rudolf.

He was always staring at Collin and I and glaring and talking about New York. He was evil!!! How could I not have seen. Collin probably knows this too... I mean, Gangs? Really? Doesn't he know that he is the reason why kids can't wear bandanas to school? Shame on him. For shame...

A/N: heyo it's Rico. Jk it's just me. have no fear underdog is here. Jk guys... Still me. Anyway it's a snow day so I will be drafting a lot more so YAYYYY!!


It was insanely difficult to choose gang names because Idk about them so any connection is PURELY COINCIDENTAL... Any ideas for the local gang?? I just said neighbourhood because

I LOVE THE NBHD..... love love love.

When I wake up, I'm afraid... how can I sleep when I don't have dreams... what do you want from me... I could listen to them all day guys fr fr...

Thanks for reading
Xoxo Gossip girl... (it's just me.. Still is....
but I love that show)


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