Chapter 15- Ha, Curt! Lameee

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****this was done on my phone and is kinda rough around the edges but I wanted to get out another chapter as soon as possible.


Chapter 15- Ha, Curt! Lameee

Oh my gosh.... I groaned as Mr. Rudolf passed back our projects. Today, his torso was adorned with yet another hideous Christmas sweaters. Fifth one in a row. And hey, I have my fair share of ugly christmas sweaters, but today's sweater was literally a stuffed reindeer head on a sweater. It was like some sort of twisted Reindeer meet la Guillotine horror film. I averted my eyes because the struggle was too real.

I looked over at Collin's and Lindella's empty seats.

Where were they? I didn't remember much about the party. Which was the whole point of my night to forget theme but I didn't have even the slightest idea of what happened with Lindella and Lucas.

Who knew?? They might have been in Bulgaria on their honeymoon for all I knew.

The door suddenly flew open, successfully snapping me out of my thoughts.

In walked Collin. Of course he would have to make some sort of fancy entrance. His leather jacket collar was popped up, eyes trained on Mr. Rudolf. Or at least I thought they were, seeing as his dark eyes were hidden by a pair of aviators. Who did this guy think he was? Besides my boyfriend, I mean.

I watched as they conversed, pretending to examine our B-worthy project. When I sneakily glanced up again, I noticed how Mr. Rudolf's face was red with rage. They moved their conversation out to the hallway.

Now was my chance.

I quietly moved away from my desk and moved towards the door. Stealthy Chris mode activated.

I held my breath as Collin's voice spoke up.

"Yeah I know, Curt. But they aren't listening. Face it, going to New York was a bust."

Curt? His name is Curt? I held in my laugh, turning away from the door. I was too afraid that my muffled laughter would give me away.

Everyone was staring at me.

"Hey! Get back to work. It's not polite to eavesdrop," I whisper-yelled. They all looked at me weird until I flipped them all off.

Ha. When all else fails, give 'em all the bird. I chuckled to myself before turning around to continue listening in.


I turned right into someone's chest. My shoulders slumped in defeat. Wait defeat? Ha, never heard of it.

"Excuse me." I moved Mr. Rudolf to the side and moved to walk out of the door.

He cleared his throat. I kept walking.

Hmm... So his name is Curt, and he's got a phlegm problem. Tsk tsk.

"Christopher." He called out.

"Ugh. What?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Very reluctantly, I should add.

"Where do you think you're going?" he raised one thick, luscious eyebrow. That's right. I said his eyebrow was luscious. Thick and luscious.

"I know I'm going to go get water. If that's okay with you, your lordship," I deadpanned.

He smirked. "Your Lordship? Huh, that has a nice ring to it."

More like Curt. Just Curt. You're not that important.

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