Chapter 16- What Happened

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DEDICATED TO FrankBonero... Loved your deduction skills. Nice job, Watson. ;)

Chapter 16- What Happened

I stepped out of my car and locked the doors. Taking a deep breath, I approached Lucas's door and raised my hand to knock.

It's now or never.

I knocked on his door and waited.

A few seconds later, an annoyed Lucas yanked the door open.

"What?!" There was a faint smell of liquor on his breath.

He'd been drinking.

"" I was taken aback by his snappy attitude. NaCl, much?

"I had some questions." I began.

"Well I don't have any answers."

He started to close the door so I stuck my hand out and stopped him.

"Wait!! I just want to know what happened, and why you were drinking instead of going to school."

He shook his head at me. "You don't know?"

It was my turn to shake my head. His eyes, sorrowfully glazed over before hardening.

"How could you?" That was all he said before slamming the door in my face.

A gust of wind blew my hair back.
I stood there frozen for a few minutes before knocking again and again.

Knock, knock, knock "Lucas."
Knock, knock, knock "Lucas."
Knock, knock, knock "Lucas."

Before I could knock again, Lucas appeared and swiftly pulled me inside and shut the door just as swiftly.

I inhaled the familiar scent that disguised the underlying scent of alcohol before dropping my keys in the little dish on the old, wooden table by the door.

"You're going to want to sit down for this..." Lucas led me to his couch before facing me, kicking a few bottles out of the way to make room.

Third Person POV

Lucas burst through the door; a man on a mission. He spotted Lindella's curly hair. He loved her hair. It always smelled like peaches and clementines.

Breaking off into a sprint, he followed.

"Lindella!!!" He pushed himself to go faster. His legs aching, his lungs burning. He watched in horror as Kyle forced a non-struggling Lindella into a car.

Why wasn't she resisting?!

He pushed himself to his maximum.
"Lindella!!" His voice was hoarse but he didn't care.

Tears flowed easily from his eyes as he heard the car start, he was 50 steps away. 25 steps. 10 steps. 5 steps.

The car sped off and away. Bystanders watched as Lucas chased after the car and eventually fell to his knees, sobs racking his body.
He watched hopelessly as the love of his life was taken away.

Lindella of all people.

She was the first person to talk to him in elementary school and the only person to ever kiss him. Not even his own parents would kiss him when they found out that he had been diagnosed with aids. Lindella was the only person to comfort him at night and tell him that she loved him. She was the most beautiful girl that he had ever laid eyes on.

The sound of squealing tires caused Lucas's head to snap up. His eyes straining to see in the darkness. Two cars drove into each other, one contained Lindella.

Flames surrounded the scene. Red was everywhere. Glass shattered.

Why did he feel as if his heart had shattered too?

She was gone. Lindella was gone.

Christopher's POV

I couldn't breathe. I was suffocating, choking, trembling. I was shell-like.

"And the worst part... Kyle's drunken self survived. He fled from the scene." Lucas bitterly spit out. Venom woven deeply in his voice.

"No..." I couldn't listen anymore so I covered my ears and yelled. No...No...

A/N: OMG WHY DID I DO THAT?!?!? I'm a monster!!! don't kill me please. I really did like Lindella... And right before the holidays too... *sob sob*

This chapter is SUPER SHORT

I'm sorry....

Was it what you expected??? poor Lucas.

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