Christmas Special

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"Dad, stop." I covered my mouth with a hand to suppress my giggle. 

"Am I embarrassing you?" Collin let out a deep chuckle. His voice had deepened with age and now resembled smooth chocolate. His hand clutched at the picture of Michael from when he was a baby. I laughed as Mike's cheeks reddened, his hand pulled desperately at his wife, Sasha's hand. Her sweet face broke into a grin as she squeezed back and kept her other hand on top of her prominent belly. They were due in only three months. 

The thought of grandchildren made my heart swell. It's about time. I rolled my eyes at the thought of having to wait so long.

"What are you rolling your eyes at, babygirl?" To this day, my heart still fluttered at the sound of his nickname for me. After 22 years of marriage...

"I'm just happy." I shrugged, ruffling Dasia's hair as she passed by. She shot me a dirty look slapping my hand away before heading upstairs.

"You roll your eyes when your happy?" Collin smirked as he popped a chocolate covered pretzel in his mouth. 

"Yes. Now shut up and leave me alone." I smiled. Collin smirked again knowing that I knew what I said made no sense. He bent down and pressed a kiss to my lips. His eyes crinkled at the corners when he pulled back and lightly kissed my nose.

"Oh don't forget to pick up Claire from the airport okay? She's bringing her boyfriend home this year so be nice." It's about time our daughter decided to show her face again. How could she forget me and not visit? I am excellent company.

"Who is it this year?" Collin's face scrunched up cutely in distaste.

"Be nice, Collin."

"I just don't think anyone is good enough for our daughter." Collin pushed his nose into the air. I ran my hand through his hair. It had surprisingly stayed dark, no gray hairs in sight. He must dye it.  Even his eyebrows managed to stay in mint condition. There was no denying it. Collin aged well. Good choice, Chris. I mentally patted myself on the back.

The front door opened and broke my trance. 

"Jamie!! Get off your sister! Zara! Give Jamie his phone back! Xavier! Boy, if you don't get off the grass..." 

Lindella strode in through the doorway shaking the snow out of her shortened curls. She was followed by three teenagers. Jamie, Zara, and Xavier had all inherited their mother's curls and Lucas's eyes. Their skin tones were a perfect blend between the two. 

Her wild eyes met mine.

"Christopher, darling!" She flung herself into my arms. A few short strands of gray hair stood out here and there, probably from managing three teenagers at once. Other then that she looked like she hadn't aged at all.

"Lindy! You haven't aged a bit."

"Well black don't crack, sugar." She winked at me, giggling when Lucas wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled his nose into her neck. Lucas looked really good too. Good choice, Lindy.

"Babes it's cold."

"Well it's snowing, baby." I smiled at their intimate moment.

"Why aren't we more like that, Collin?" I teased, gently tugging the hair at the nape of his neck.

"Because then we'd be annoying."

Lindella stuck her tongue out at Collin before a thud resounded from upstairs. She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Teenagers."

She made a move to go upstairs when Lucas stopped her. "I've got it mama." He winked at her and headed upstairs, not without leaving a cheeky slap on her behind.

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