Chapter 2- No you're a tuna ball!

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A/N: chapter dedicated to bluemajestic for the kind words!! and Collin Coleman on the side.. Him or Colton Haynes.. Which one?? Other suggestions??

Chapter 2- No you’re a tuna ball!

Classes were crazy, especially when I had Collin in almost every single one of mine. Unfortunately, Lucas and I only shared first period but Lindy had about 4 or 5 classes with me.


Double unfortunately, I had lunch and study hall alone, unless you count Collin as company, which I didn't. I sighed and made my way to the cafeteria and debated on whether or not I should go in.


Wait a minute...

I'm Christopher Wellings. Of course I can just go in. I pushed the doors open and sauntered in acting as if I had always sauntered into a noisy cafeteria with food that would never be as good as my old school's.


The noise died down and I could feel all eyes on me. I smirked and casually observed the area for a place to sit. I finally settled on a table. The football table. I glanced their way and sauntered over.


"Do you guys have an extra seat?" I batted my eyelashes and they all smiled at me.


"You could sit on my lap." One guy offered as I held back the barf that was threatening to come up. I forced a laugh. "No thank you! I might take you up on that offer later though." I sent him a wink and he turned red.


They all looked at me in astonishment. "So can I sit or not?" I shifted my weight as they scrambled to make room for me. I laughed as I placed a leg into the seat only to have it be yanked right back out again as a firm hand took me away.


"Who do you think you are?!" I spun around to see...


"None of your business and it's not nice to meet you." ...Collin.


He dragged me out into the hallway away from the jocks table. I waved goodbye and then scowled at Collin as we left the cafeteria.


"Let go of me Kyle." I purposefully messed his name up.


He let go of me and stared at me. "My name's not Kyle. It's-"


"None of your business. Yeah, yeah I know." I grimaced at him before asking why he dragged me out here in the first place.


Big mistake.


I found myself pressed against the lockers as he towered over me. "I know it was you."


"What?" I pretended to play dumb because I knew it would irritate him. It did.


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