Chapter 19- Black

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Two words. Writer's Block. Grrrr I'm just going to combine chapters 19 and 20 and call it a day. I'll prob end up editing all of my story once it's over (it almost is...) :*( so sadddd.

Chapter 19 (& 20) - Black

"LUCAS NO!!!!!"

They say suicide is one of the worst crimes (wo)man could ever commit. Watching my best friend try to kill himself, killed me.

Lucas glared, greedily at the open pill bottle.

"Please, don't." My voice was frail. I had already lost one best friend, I didn't want to lose another. I pinched my eyes shut as a tear or two managed to escape.

No more crying, Chris. No more.

My eyes opened when I heard Lucas take a deep breath. His voice was shaky and cracked when he spoke.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't? The love of my life? Gone. Dead. Not here anymore. There is nothing left for me to live for! Don't you get it?"

"Look, I get that your in pain. I'm in pain too. But-"

"Pain?" Lucas's tears rolled off his face as his voice dropped to a pained whisper. "No. Pain is looking at yourself in the mirror; tears pooling in your eyes, racing down your cheeks- while you beg, and beg, and beg yourself just stay strong and to hold on. That is pain."

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything.

"I hate myself for not being there for her. I-I-I could've done s-something to save her. I keep thinking that alcohol will numb my pain and make me forget, but I don't want to forget. I want to escape and see her. Death is the only way." I stared into his bloodshot eyes as he slowly shut them, bringing the pill bottle to his lips.

"Lindella wouldn't want that." I was going out on a limb here. All that stuff about people knowing what the dead would've wanted is a load of crap.

Lucas froze, "What?"

"Lindella would've wanted you to live and be happy." I didn't know if this was true, but it works in the movies so, ehh why not.

"How do you know that?" He squinted his eyes at me.

"I can speak to the dead, genius." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you serious?"


I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before walking towards him.

"Look Lucas. Pain is different for everyone. You're not alone even if you believe that you are and in all honesty, you'll fall in love again. I'm not telling you to forget Lindella. I'm telling you to just try not to get stuck on her for the rest of your life."

When I was finally within arms reach of him, I snatched the bottle away from him and dumped the pills in the toilet.

"NO! NO! What have you done?!" Lucas screeched pushing me out the way in order to fish the pills out of the toilet.

I gagged while trying to reach around him to reach the flush.

I hopped on Lucas's back and finally disposed of the medicinal drug.

Lucas froze as I slid off of him.

His chest rose and fell as he breathed heavily.
"Other ways," he mumbled, "there are other ways to join her." He started to search the bathroom for something, anything.

No, Lucas. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, eliciting a sob from his mouth. He stopped moving.

Finally, I felt his arms wrap back around me as he let out a breath he had been holding.

It All Started When I Tripped The Bad Boy | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora