Chapter 6- Bulgarian Food is as Sweet as Cinnamon Buns

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Chapter 6- Bulgarian Food is as Sweet as Cinnamon Buns

Today was the day that Collin was coming over to my house to work on the project. Today also happened to be the day my parents decided to leave to go on another business trip.

Yesterday went a little something like this:

"Mom, Dad you're home!!" Dasia and I ran into our parents arms.

We had eaten dinner and after that, they had decided to give us gifts, like they always did. It was sort of a 'hey nice to see you, sorry I missed like a month of your life no biggie' kind of gift.

I had gotten a charm bracelet with one C for my name on it, while Dasia had rubbed her new iPad Air in my face. I bet it probably wouldn't last a week.

Anyway, I was happy because my parents were finally home. We were finally a complete family.

Unfortunately, that happiness was short-lived. Apparently, my busy parents had another business trip in Bali.

I won't even describe what went down next. All I can say, is that all of the happiness that was in the air went stale, and if we had neighbors, they would have probably heard all of our conversation. Yeah. Not fun.

I sighed as I raked a hand through my blond hair. I frowned as I remembered last nights events. My parents were gone and Collin was coming over... What else could go wrong?

I decided on a messy bun on the top of my head and, I decided to go without makeup today. I was waaay too tired and any makeup I put on would look sloppy and honestly, I didn't really feel like looking like the joker.

My outfit was very simple, just leggings and a sweater. I skipped breakfast and waved to Cynthia before heading to school.

First period passed by in a blur. Ms Chefferton was absent so all we did was worked quietly in those books.

By the time I got to Mr. Rudolf's class, I was too exhausted to even care that Collin did nothing.

I sighed for the fiftieth time as I flipped back to the index. I started to regret choosing Bulgaria. Don't get me wrong it's a great country, but the sources for information are limited.

I put down my pen, determined to give my hand a rest. I looked over at Collin expecting to see his sleeping form, but instead seeing him huddled over a text book taking notes.

Wow, Collin actually works. Who knew?

I stretched before looking over to Mr. Rudolf.

Weird. He was already looking at us. And by 'us' I mean Collin and me.

His usually playful brown eyes were cold and dark. I didn't like it. I quickly turned away from him and stared at the clock instead.

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