Chapter 12- Denial aka {da Nile}

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A/N: this chapter is for my mom ;) I love you <3

Chapter 12- Denial aka {da Nile}

So this is what the Nurse's office looks like... I glanced at my surroundings. Lots of white... I never understood why the color white was associated with sterile and clean. I mean dirt shows up so easily on white things. Take it from the girl who used white kneepads for the past five years.

Yeah...Not attractive.

I was currently on a white bed. You know, the kind with that super weak tissue paper stuff that crinkled with every move you made.

There was a tiny cactus on the desk next to the bed- err, cot actually, and instead of the room smelling like doctor soap, it smelled like apple cinnamon. I actually liked the smell of doctor soap. No joke. Last time I was in a blockbuster, they had doctor soap and I freaked out. What even happened to blockbuster?

The cactus was actually cute. Maybe next time mom and dad decide to leave me again, they could bring back a tiny cactus instead of a charm bracelet. At least the cactus will love me.

My face hurts. Like he couldn't hit me somewhere else?? Anywhere but my moneymaker.

Well I was the one who jumped in front of two fighting guys... But still. How dare he?!

A few minutes later two women came in. One was really tall with long, thick, raven colored hair. It went to her waist. She wore it in loose waves with Carly Rae Jepsen bangs that complimented her tan heart shaped face. She had long tanned legs that were partly covered by her frayed high waisted shorts. She wore a floral crop top that showed her belly button ring. She was beautiful. Her kohl lined eyes drifted towards mine and she smiled.

An equally beautiful woman stood next to the tall woman; except she was really short. She had short, curly, strawberry blonde hair which was in an asymmetrical bob; strands were tucked behind her left ear. When her eyes fell on me, they brightened and a smile graced her face.

"You're awake!!" Someone's bubbly... I mentally groaned.

"I'm sorry about that." The tall one's velvety voice drifted across the room. "I'm Cameron. Call me Cam." I watched as Cam put an arm around the bubbly, short, red-haired woman.

"She's hyper. Too hyper sometimes..." Cam smiled sheepishly as the petite woman whirled around and waved her finger at her. "Is this your office? No? Okay, then. You don't have the authority to talk."

She turned back around to face me. "Sorry about her." She waved Cam off and I had to suppress a laugh. They sounded like an old married couple.

"Bring your wife to work day... Who thought of that??" She paused to grin, lovingly at Cam.


"Anyways!! I'm Margaret. Don't call me Peggy."

I watched as Cam mouthed 'Call her Peggy' above Margaret's head.

I giggled. As soon as I opened my mouth, the door burst open. Collin came dashing in.

"Collin!!! You scared me!!" I swatted at him. Like seriously. I'm saved, only to be killed again.

"Young love!!" There was a nostalgic sigh escaping Margaret's lips. "Remember when I visited you in the hospital too? You're face was so messed up."

"Did you also get punched in the face?" I was genuinely curious now.

Cam laughed and shook her head. "Not even close. It was a squirrel attack. Evil, demonseeds.

I felt ya!!! I hated squirrels. Ever since *glimpses nowhere in particular dramatically* The Great Incident of 1978....

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