
5.2K 153 16

Holy fudgesicles I can't even explain how happy I am.

So this book just reached 50k... Woot woot.

#icanteven (@theNBHD)

Btw is anyone else super psyched for the release of the daddy issues music video because O M G...I am.


I cannot thank you enough!!! I remember when this book had like 0 reads; which I didn't really mind because I don't write for reads, I write because it's fun.


You sexy peoples have made my life.

Yes you, you wonderful soul, you.

Thank you for all of the support, comments, votes, fans, reads...

You legit motivate me.

All of you.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! x infinity raised to the power of infinity.

You guys mean so much to me!
I read all of your comments and respond when I can:)

I love your comments and messages. yes send me messages!!!! I don't bite.
Most of the time.

50k... Wow. I'm so happy...😌

Now I've got to study for my calc AP test.
Good luck to all you AP TEST TAKERS!!! oh and just good luck in life in general.

But seriously,
You guys are like crab cake cravings.

(Desirable af*)

*as fudge


(You'll be hearing more from me in the future in Afire Love) go check it out 😉

Yeah I self promoted

Ain't got no shame about it

She think I'm spoiled and I'm rich cause I can have any---
J Cole? Yes? Yes. Just yes.

It All Started When I Tripped The Bad Boy | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now