Chapter 61

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(eight-or so-hours later...)

"I'm done," I said simply, standing before my boss in his modestly-sized office.

"Done? What do you mean?"

I stifled the growl that threatened to escape my chest. "You fucking used me and my crew to take over Ouro'Boron. Did you only want that planet for the gas harvesters? Or did you simply want people to die?"

A deep frown appeared on Jackson's face as he leaned forward in his seat. "For one, don't come in here accusing me–I get we've all been stretching ourselves thin as of late, but let's not start pointing fingers."

"I did what you wanted, so I'm done fighting your war," I snapped back, "You've won, Jackson–the Federation may still be around, but their influence is all but dead. "

"M-My war? This was our war, Cylus," he replied, "You had as much at stake as I did."

"This stopped being my war when I had to kill innocents. Doesn't matter what banner they live under–there has to be some civility in combat. If not, then we're no better than the fucking Federation. Honor my decision, Delacroix–I've done your dirty work for you, so don't give me grief."

Jack ran a hand through his hair and loosed a weary sigh. "Alright...I get it. You've done more than anyone, so it's only fair that I honor your wishes. Go and live your life–you've spent far too long hunting as it is."

With a nod, I rose to my feet. "Thank you."

This was the most I've said in the past eight hours: from hopping on board the hover bus back on Ouro'Boron to getting back to my ship, I said nothing. I had too much on my mind to begin with, so I essentially allowed myself to power off for the duration of our trip back. Thankfully, Alannah was okay with flying the Ravager...

Back to the current moment, I left Jackson's office and felt my shoulders slump. Fucking's finally over...

I didn't even bring Alannah with me: the instant we arrived back on Sylkiir V, I went straight to Jackson's quarters. I didn't check to see if any of my crewmates followed me, but I didn't spot anyone.

"Mom knew you'd stalk off, so she sent me after you." Crafty bastard...

"I'm impressed," I muttered, not turning to address my son, "How'd you sneak up on me?"

"Well, you were too busy scowling at the ground, so I had little trouble following behind you."

"I wasn't scowling..."

"Yeah, and I don't sound like a six year old," Alex snapped back, "What's gotten into you? Mom and I are worried sick about you–scratch that, everyone is worried about you."

"I...I'm done with this shit," I breathed, my vision growing blurry as I continued speaking, "I'm done killing–I'm done snuffing out the lives of those who do not deserve to die."

"...I understand," my son finally replied, "Well, what will we do now?"

"Simple: we leave this life behind," I answered, "Hold me accountable, Alex: For the time I have left, I will not kill ever again."

"That's a big undertaking, old man," he mused, "You really are done with this life, aren't you?"

"I want you to have a normal life, damn it. I don't want you worrying about whether or not today's your last–you have someone who cares for you, and I'm sure you don't want to worry yourself sick over Raina either, now do you?"

"No...No I don't," Alex admitted, "And, y'know, mom's still pregnant."

"...I flew into a frenzy because someone had grabbed your mother. I didn't think–I didn't think I was actually going to slaughter civilians..."

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