Chapter 28

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"Who would've thought your straightforward method of handling things would actually work out for a change?" Boreas mused, only to scowl when a particularly-loud bolt of lightning illuminated the sky above us.

"I have my ways," I replied, "Not every bounty has to be meticulous and planned out."

"True, but I'd feel better if we did the latter over your 'improvised' method," my partner slung back.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and focus on putting one foot in front of the other. As long as we find our target, I'll be happy."

"I'll be happy when we leave this demonic kiddie pool..."

"I feel that, Boreas," Alannah grumbled, "I'm just glad the rain's let up a little..."

Sure enough, the storm that had hammered us when we arrived on Valeryx VII had calmed down to a mild drizzle. That being said, my duster was heavy with rain water, and I scowled as I tried in vain to wring it out. Fucking hell...I'm going to have to put this through the dryer so many times...

"You seem distracted, Cylus," Vik pointed out.

It's because I am.

"Why is that?"

Oh, I don't know: my wife was late on her period, and I'm a dumbass. For all I know, she might be pregnant.

"You do not have a female reproductive system, so how would you know?"

You got me there...

"I believe you are forgetting to ask a rather...important question."

I am? Oh, I am. "Hey kid, where's the nearest med clinic?"

"Huh?" the Federation soldier inquired, "Oh, there'll be one by the place I'm taking you to. Just...keep your voice low and try to not make too much racket."

"Got it...what's your name?"

"Owen. Now that you mention it, We may have to stop by a clinic so I can have that bullet wound in my leg dealt with. Y'know, the one you gave me."

"Fair enough," I replied.

With that, we continued to ghost through the waterlogged graveyard that was Valeryx VII. We spent roughly an hour carefully avoiding the potholes and pieces of rubble in the ground before we stopped in front of a taller building.

"Wow, it's actually intact," Raphael mused, "Huge shocker there."

"I know right?" Damien chirped, "Here's hoping the roof isn't leaky."

"Keep it down!" Owen hissed, "This may be the Councilman's dwelling, but we can't be too careful."

"Gee, you're more uptight than my old man," Alex commented, "Just relaaax and enjoy the weather."

Even with a helmet on, I could tell the young soldier was baffled. "Why am I doing this?" he breathed, shaking his head as he beckoned for us to follow.

Without another word, we followed his lead. A few blocks down from Councilman Moran's house, we found a small but brightly lit building with a 'clinic' sign hanging above the entrance. I held the door open for everyone and walked inside when my last crew member got in. I studied the small, dimly-lit sitting area and noticed that a young woman garbed in a nurse's outfit was staring at us in wide-eyed horror.

"Don't worry, Ida. They're not here to cause trouble," Owen chimed in before anyone else could speak, "I need Dr. Franklin to patch me up–I got shot in the thigh."

"Oh? What happened."

He cast a quick glance at me before responding. "Gun malfunction."

With that, Owen approached the counter Ida was sitting behind. Even if he was facing away from me, I still noticed how rigid his shoulders were.

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