Chapter 49

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(Two days later...)

I woke up with a stifled grumble not because I had slept like shit, but because my wife had held me in a viselike grip for the entire night. I don't blame her for being happy we're all back home. I just wish she wouldn't crush my ribcage...

Another thirty minutes passed before I finally attempted to wake Alannah up. "Mijn sintel...please ease up on your grip a little...."

"Mmm...Why?" she inquired, her voice groggy with sleep.

"I can't...breathe..."

" bad," she murmured, loosing her grip on my torso, "Hope I didn't break anything..."

"You didn't. You were just holding onto me really tight," I responded, turning to regard her, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah...still coming down from the pure chaos that was our last hunt."

"That's understandable," I began, wrapping Alannah in my embrace, "We...had a lot of close calls, didn't we?"

"That's what's giving me mild panic attacks," she muttered, "May also be the hormones talking, but I almost flew off the rails when I heard Sal'kahnak had a god damn sword at your throat."

"Vik was there to make sure I wasn't hurt."

"Be that as it may, you were still close to dying, and I am not okay with that."

"I know...Unfortunately, we can't be spared from those risks, love. We're bounty hunters-our targets aren't going to take pity on us if they learn we're married. If anything, they'd try to abuse that knowledge in order to survive."

"Yeah...can't argue with that..." Alannah breathed, resting her head in the crook of my neck, "I just wish it didn't have to be like that...I know I've said this before, but I really wish we can be done with all of this..."

"I want that too, love," I replied, placing a soft kiss on her lips, "We're getting close to ending this-Jackson told me yesterday he's been working with the other leaders and officials to come up with a plan to put down the UTF once and for all."


"Yeah. He wants the Federation to burn as well, so he's been working his ass off to see that dream come to fruition. He wanted to talk to us later today, so I'm sure he'll catch us up on his grand plan."

Alannah loosed a wispy sign and returned my kiss. "Sounds like a riot to me."

I chuckled and closed my eyes, savoring this moment. "If you don't wanna get outta bed, don't worry about it."

"But Jackson..."

"Jackson can wait. You've been pushing yourself too hard, mijn sintel. All this stress and anxiety cannot be good for our child."

"...Yep, you got me there."

With a huffed chuckle, I placed a kiss on Alannah's brow. "Stay in bed. I'll fetch you breakfast."

"Hey, there's no need to do tha-."

Before either of us could say anything, Vik appeared with two trays in his hands.

"I thought these would be appreciated," he began, a small grin playing with the corners of his mouth.

"Ah, I almost thought I was dreaming for a second there," Alannah mused while I stood up long enough to accept the trays of food, "I'm still not used to seeing you in that form."

"Neither am I," Ki'aras chimed in, manifesting in my room. Her form still appeared unstable, but I had to applaud her for making an effort, "When did you learn this ability, Vi'karac?"

The Fractured Empire: A Tale of DownfallOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant