Act IV: The Twilight King

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I am not picky when it comes to my targets. Name it, and I'll go after it. No matter who they are, I will give them a swift death. However, there are key targets that rank higher than others. So it's more than a little surprising when I find myself going after a target as notorious as the Twilight King, otherwise known as Sal'Kahnak. The same bastard who tried to take Vi'karac away from me is back and begging for more. Well, who am I to deny him the ass-whooping he deserves.

...Huh, I'm actually considering hunting down and killing an immortal sovereign. I'll be damned.

Target: Sal'Kahnak

Wanted: Dead

Location: ???

Reward: ???

Good fucking god, we keep upping the stakes with these bounties. Just when I thought almost getting duped into killing Raina was crazy enough, we're now going after what could easily be considered a god–there, I said it. We're going to go kill a god. This is going to be one bumpy-ass ride. Here's hoping we'll have seatbelts. -B 

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