Chapter 56

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(Six hours later...)

"As you all know, Versalio has fallen," Jackson stated once everyone had settled down in the conference room, "Everyone has been running around hitting the Federation where it hurts, and I commend you all for your efforts. However, we are not done yet."

"What do you mean?" one of Jack's officials demanded, "We have taken down every UTF stronghold we've managed to uncover–we've even liberated planets that were still under the Federation's iron grip, and yet you say we aren't done yet. What more is there to do?"

"Well, I had that very same thought," my boss began in a light tone, rising from his seat, "However, one of my scouts sent me a transmission he was able to catch  from the Doriana system. Apparently, Federation officials in that neck of the woods are trying to rally their forces to take back the planets we took from them."

"And what do we plan to do?" another individual inquired.

"Simple: we kill them all," Jack replied, "Given the fact this activity is happening on a planet that is still under Federation control,  we can spare no one. Cylus, I know your feelings on this issue, but I need you and your crew to go scorched Earth on these fuckers."

"That's fine and all, but what planet are we going to in the Doriana system?" Boreas inquired, "Last I checked, that particular system is pretty damn large."

"You aren't wrong. As far as I can remember, the planet in question is named Ouro'Boron. It's another massive city-planet, so you shouldn't have much trouble finding it."

"What an interesting name," I murmured, "Tell me, just how big is this city?"

"It's called the infinite city for a reason," Jackson replied, "it's reported to wrap around the entire planet, so please be careful when you approach Ouro'Boron. There's no telling what's crawling through the streets of that pristine hellhole."

"Sounds like your opinion on Ouro'Boron is pretty high," Alexander mused.

"Hah, if only. That planet is like Versalio, but it's so much worse. You'll see what I mean when you reach your objective. All I ask is that you deal with whatever's brewing on Ouro'Boron. Show no mercy."

I felt my throat bob, but I didn't let my trepidation show as I responded. "Will do." 

Jackson nodded once before turning his attention to the rest of his gathered officials. "After Cylus and his crew take care of whatever's brewing on Ouro'Boron, we will come in and finish the job. I'm tired of tip-toeing around the Federation. It's time to show them we're not fucking around."

I couldn't quite come to terms with what he was saying. "Are you suggesting we lay waste to this city?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting. Let's make what happened on Versalio look like a joke."

This time, I couldn't hold my tongue. "Jackson, I can't do that. I'll go after the Federation officials, but I will not harm the citizens. We only blew up the capital building because that sent a loud enough message. There weren't many other platforms under the capital, so civilian mortalities weren't through the roof."

"And yet people were still killed," my boss countered, his voice cold as steel, "While I usually don't try to raise a stink about this, I really can't afford to have the pacifist in you come out right now. I need you to be ruthless, Cylus–show these bastards no mercy."

"I will only kill those who actively try to harm my crew," I parried, not yielding to Jackson.

"If the people of Ouro'Boron give you grief, give them what they fucking deserve," he growled, stalking toward my spot at the table, "If this planet becomes a  Federation hive, burn it to the fucking ground! We cannot take any chances this far in the game, so do what you must to bend Ouro'Boron to your will–even if you have to crush them under your boot."

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