Chapter 36

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"...Hmm," Andromeda mused, " at a loss for words."

"That makes two of us," I breathed, "I was hoping the Twilight King was going to stay out of this conflict–he didn't seem interested in listening to Vi'karac when he tried to explain why he was going to stay with me."

"Sal'kahnak is drawn toward war and death–it is in his blood, after all," the Ae'siirian sovereign remarked, "While I am not certain, there are rumors of how the Twilight King came to power."

"Some have said he was not the true ruler–that he killed the previous sovereign out of spite and hatred," Vik chimed in, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You know of the legends? I thought it was only the Ae'siiri who entertained such thoughts."

"A while ago, one of the seers called me into their quarters. Back then, I thought they just wanted to check in on me–the seers of the Darka'ash do that with their warriors to ensure all is well," he explained, "However, this seer in particular seemed to share my...peculiarity."

"Please elaborate," Jackson prompted him.

"Like me, this seer was, I suppose. Rather than echoing the language the Twilight King spouted, he gave out his own prophecies–much to Sal'kahnak's chagrin. I still remember his words as if he had uttered them yesterday: 'Beware the false king shrouded in shadows and thorns, for his sovereignty is but a joke of its former self. Nothing is as it seems, and all should be questioned.' I was confused back then, but knowing what I know now, I see what he tried to tell me."

"Most...intriguing..." Andromeda managed to get out, "And...what happened to this seer?"

"He disappeared soon after that. I know not where he was taken, but I fear he now resides in the Void."

"...Damn..." was all I could say, "...What should we do? We don't know what the Twilight King wants–well, other than for Vi'karac to return to him."

"My suggestion is we wait and see if anything else happens," Jackson replied, only to frown and look at Andromeda, "Were your people able to trace the origin of these messages?"

"They are working on that now as we speak," she answered, a curious light dancing in her eyes, "Excuse me, please. Vi'karac, come with me."

"Why?" he inquired.

"Trust me," she replied, beckoning for him to follow her as she walked over to the door.

"Go on," I prompted him, "If anything fishy happens, let me know."

He nodded in response. "Very well."

. . .


"Why did you wish for me to accompany you?" I prompted the graceful sovereign once we exited the office and teleported outside. We appeared in the middle of a snow-covered, empty path, and I fell into formation beside the Ae'siirian queen as she walked along at a slow pace.

"For one, that office was stifling," Andro'medara admitted, laughing to herself, "Forgive me, but I am unaccustomed to such...frigid temperatures."

"Understandable. After all, Ivoralis is bathed in eternal warmth," I mused.

A brief pause of silence stretched between us before she spoke again. "I asked you to come with me because I wished to share something with you."

"Oh? Do continue."

"As you know, Vi'karac, my people can assume a human form on a whim. For a time, before your people made the choice to live in shadows, the Darka'ash had the same ability. Alas, your kind was stripped of this power when the Ae'siiri pushed them back–please know that I say this not to gloat. Unlike Sal'kahnak, I do not take pleasure in fighting needless wars. That being said, what has been lost can be returned."

The Fractured Empire: A Tale of DownfallOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant