Chapter 43

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While the building before us appeared to be ominous as hell, we didn't have much trouble entering the ancient dark stone structure.

"Um...what is the black stuff around us?" Boreas inquired, "It...doesn't look friendly."

"I am not for certain, but I fear what you see is exhaust from the world-killer," Vik answered, "You should be fine. not take your helmets off."

I studied the strange, fog-like gas as I walked through it: the one thing that disturbed me the most was the fact I could see it curl around my ankles as I walked through it. not good...

"What exactly should we look for?" I prompted Vik in an attempt to get my  mind off the unnerving gas.

"We can either look for the source of Sal'kahnak's broadcast, or we can attempt to permanently disable the world-killer."

"We're here to find anything on the Twilight King. Everything else comes after that," Boreas chimed in, "trust me, I want to make sure this 'world-killer' is dealt with, but we need to track down the origin of the Twilight King's broadcast and see what we can find. We can't risk anything or anyone getting away from us."

"I highly doubt anyone's here," Raphael mused, "This place looks rather...abandoned."

"While you do have a valid point, please do not forget that the Darka'ash are prone to hiding in plain sight–that is why you should not trust every shadow you happen upon."

"Good point..." Ralph breathed, "Well, this is unnerving."

"No shit," I began, turning to address Boreas, "Any luck with your computer?"

"The damn thing works. It's the tracker that's acting up," he grumbled, "Lemme see what I can do...looks like there's nothing but radio silence right now. I suggest we do a bit of exploring–maybe the broadcasting signal will make itself known while we're doing that."

"Sounds like a plan to me," I began, switching my attention to Alannah, "We should stick together as one group, shouldn't we?"

"You tell me, wise guy," she slung back, "We're in an old building with black fog dancing around our feet."

"That's a big no then."

"Gee, you're actually using your brain for once."

"Hey, tone down the hormones just a tad," Boreas chimed in, "Don't wanna let anyone know we're stomping through their turf with a cranky woman in tow."

"Cranky? Ooooh, you haven't seen shit yet!" Alannah snapped, a heavy snarl entering her voice as she rounded on the unamused hacker, "Want me to make you sing in four different languages?"

Rather than responding, Boreas sighed and walked off. "Cylus, tame the shrew please before she gnaws someone's face off."

"Shrew? Shrew? Oh, the audacity of this bitch," my wife growled.

"Please, breathe," I murmured, wrapping an arm around her waist, "I apologize for asking a stupid question–in hindsight, splitting up is the worst idea right now."

"And some say hindsight is 2020," Alannah muttered, snorting to herself, "What a fat loada bullshit that is."

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. What the hell is going on right now?

Thankfully, no other...outbursts occurred, and we were able to traverse the shrouded complex with little trouble. For as old as this place appeared to be, it was surprisingly intact: no hallways were caved in, and no signs of the surrounding jungle creeping in through the walls and floor could be seen.

The Fractured Empire: A Tale of DownfallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora