Chapter 50

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After I parted ways with Alex and Raina, I returned the two trays Vik had brought me and Alannah back to the mess hall. That was my original plan before my son decided to distract me.

After I got that done, I went back to my room to see if Ali was awake. While she had gotten out of bed, she was also dragging her feet with getting dressed. 

"Glad to see you're up," I commented, earning a stifled grumble in response, "Come on, mijn sintel. Jack is waiting for us."

"Well, he can wait a little longer," she retorted.

I picked up my wife's bra and tossed it her way. "Don't forget this."

"Why must you contain me like this...?"

"Look, I'm sorry for forcing you to get dressed, but going without a bra is...risky business."

"I've done it before, you pansy."

"Just...please get dressed."

"Oh, you're no fun..."

While I attempted to get a hold of myself, Vik decided to weigh in.

"Alannah old, again?"

Last I checked, she was thirty-seven. She's two years younger than me, but I sometimes forget that.

"Yeah, very funny you two," she griped, struggling to put her pants on, "Mock the pregnant woman while she struggles to adult."

I rolled my eyes and helped my wife get dressed. "Still waking up?"

"Gee, what made you guess that?"

I lightly pinched her bum in response. "Tone down the sass, love. It's too early in the morning for this."

"Oh, you wanna play that game?" Alannah inquired, fire dancing in her eyes as she pinned me under her gaze.

"Shouldn't have done that," Vik murmured, "Prepare for round...eight? nine?"

Nine. I confirmed with grim certainty. We broke our record...again.

"How unfortunate...I am almost too afraid to ask how the human sex drive works."

Most people can usually go a round or two before calling it quits. I explained while hauling ass toward my only escape route. Not Ali. If most people's sex drives were like a standard-issue hover car motor, Alannah's would be a fusion-powered generator.

"Why is that the case?"

"Hell if I know," I got out, exiting my room, "When Ali's feeling frisky, start praying."

"Oh, 'frisky' is just scratching the surface, my love. Get those fine-ass buns over here so I can slap them raw!"

Rather than doing that, I increased my pace in an effort to put some distance between me and my...frisky wife. The one thing working in my favor was the fact we were out in the hallway. While that wouldn't stop my wife from getting retribution, I still had multiple escape routes available for me to use.

Since I was already expected to report to Jackson's office, I decided to use that fact to my advantage.

"Ah, Cylus," Jack began when I opened the door, "How kind of you to join me–and you brought Alannah too. How quaint. Please, do take a seat."

"Oh you–you sly bastard," my wife growled, "Later."

Jackson cocked an eyebrow while we settled down in front of his desk. "I'll just...pretend I don't know what's going on and instead catch you both up on what I've been doing."

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