Chapter 7

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I don't exactly remember what happened, but I only recall screaming like a little girl when the floor beneath me decided to just not exist. I had wandered off from the rest of the group, who made sure to stick together even when they left to investigate a room. I had stepped into one office in particular, only to gasp when I spotted a tablet laying on top of the modestly-sized desk. 

I had ran toward the potential treasure trove, and I scooped up the tablet right as the floor started to shake. I only had time to speak to Cylus a little before the floor gave out, and I fell.

Right when I wondered how much longer I was going to fall, I felt my back thud against the floor. I was expecting to hear a resounding snap, but no such sound graced my ears.

"Dear me..." a familiar voice breathed, "I was almost too late."

"Wh–Vik?" I stammered.

"Yes?" the Darka'ash inquired as I felt myself raised into the air and set on my feet, "Forgive me for not acting sooner–the structural integrity of the flooring you stepped on must have been weaker than expected."

"F-Fuck that, I'm just thankful you caught me," I breathed, casting a furtive glance at the room around me. By the looks of it, I had fallen onto a conference table. It probably would've cracked under my weight, but then again, I'm only like one hundred-forty pounds. If anything, I would've bounced off the damn thing and broken my back. 

I caught sight of figures leaning against the wall, seated at the table I had just landed on, and laying on the ground. Since none of them were moving, it was safe to say they were all dead. Must be the end results of whatever Horner's lackeys did...

Swallowing the bile that stung my throat, I huffed. "I'm sure you can take me back to Cylus, but let's forego that for now. Can you hear me, Mortie-boy?"

"Yes, I can. You good?"

"Yeah, your new friendo just spared me from having some major back pain," I responded, only to pause when I heard the muffled sounds of a confrontation, "Oh shit...sounds like a party's goin' on–and I wasn't invited either."

"Boreas! Hold the fuck up!" my old partner snapped. Unfortunately, I was already scrambling out of the conference room and hurrying toward the source of whatever the hell was going on.

Splintering wood could be heard behind me, but I was too preoccupied to wonder if Cylus actually jumped down to catch up with me. I wouldn't put it past the mad lad.

Running through the halls, the shouting and commotion grew in volume until a loud gunshot sliced through the thin silence around me. Yelping in surprise, I stumbled on my own feet.

"Oh!" Vik exclaimed, catching me before I ate fresh gray carpet, "Do be careful."

"Why aren't you with Cylus?" I prompted the shadowy entity.

"Since you, and I quote, 'run fast for a computer nerd,' Cylus has tasked me with assisting you until he catches up with us."

"Fair enough, try to keep up, Vik."

With that, I resumed my mad dash through the spooky scary halls. I may only have had a pistol on hand, but I seriously can't downplay how grateful I was for the Infiltrator suit. This baby not only dampens the sounds of my footfalls, but it even has active camo built into it. Granted, the camo can only remain engaged for short bursts, but it's still fucking badass. After dying the bitch white and doodling a joke on the inside lining of my helmet, stealthy-boi Boreas was officially ready for duty!

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