Chapter 51

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(The next day...)

"When are we leaving again?" Alex prompted me over the howling wind.

I huffed out a sigh. "Tomorrow, by the earliest. I'm waiting for Jack to give me the all-clear so we can go on ahead."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'd rather not jump the gun and travel to Versalio when we're not guaranteed to have backup in less than a days' time," I pointed out, silently thankful my suit had adequate insulation in it.

"Oh yeah, you have a point there. We're already going to dive into the snake's pit as it is, so I'd rather go in knowing there's a rope around to pull us back out."


"...Um, remind me what are we doing again?"

I groaned, only to brace myself against the wall behind me when a roaring gust of wind hit me like a gut punch, "We're going around the main facility making sure all the equipment isn't frozen solid."

"Doesn't Jack have technicians for this shit?"

"Yes, but they're all busy making sure the heating system in the main facility won't explode."

"Ah...I see the problem."

"Bout damn time too."

"Hey, fuck off. I have a brain in my head, you know."

"Yes, but do you use it?"

"...More often than not, yes."

"Ah, there lies the problem: you don't always use your head. I'm sure in cases that involve a certain young lady, you use the head downstairs to make decisions."

"I will castrate you with a rusty knife!"

I snickered to myself. "Getting crafty with your threats now, eh?"

"Dude, that is so not cool. Leave this topic alone before I genuinely hurt you."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Someone's getting touchy over this."

"Please...just leave it be. I have enough shit to worry about as it is–I don't need to add your jesting to the list."

"Alright...I'll stop. Let's get this job done and get back inside before anything important freezes off."

"I'm just glad we're near ground level and not high up in the bloody air..." Alex grumbled, "I at least don't have to worry about my balls getting stuck in my stomach..."

"I understand that on an emotional level..." I murmured.

"Wait, how is that possible?" Vi'karac demanded.

"Vikkie-boy, you don't understand because you don't have testicles," Alex replied, "Fear is an interesting emotion: depending on how scared–or cold–you are, your balls retract at a varying length. If you're genuinely afraid, it almost feels as if your cojones shot up into your gut."

"Huh...Intriguing. Cylus, if you could explain to me the finer workings of the male genitalia, I would very much appreciate it."

Hot damn, Alannah was onto something. "Any reason in particular?"

"It makes little sense for me to have a disguise that is not anatomically correct. While it is a rather...unorthodox question to ask, I ask that you help me."

"I'll see what I can do, man," I told him, "For now, Alex and I are busy."

"Very well. As you were."

The Fractured Empire: A Tale of DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now