Author's note

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Hey, would you look at that? We've arrived at the final novel in "The Haze Trilogy." I'll continue writing new novels even after this one is finished, but I wanted to create a series that was smaller than my last one, which was five books long. I have a few ideas rattling around in my head, so I hope you'll enjoy the crazy worlds I manage to create in the near future.

As before, I'd like to thank Alwyn_Knighton for creating the cover to this book (Along with the other two books in this series). I know you say it's nothing, but I honestly can't put into words how thankful I am for your assistance. Everyone needs to know how great you are at creating covers, so let me compliment you, damn it!

Ehm, regardless, I'll stop rambling like a madman and start writing. Heaven knows there's a lot of ground to cover...

Yours truly,
Garath Vetters

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