Chapter 33

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While the sandstorm greatly slowed my progress toward our destination, I still managed to keep my ship in the air as we approached the small outpost. During this time, I tried to get Vik to talk.

Come on, man. You've been silent ever since we found Raina. What's wrong?

"Forgive me for my absence. To be...honest with you, I had to recuse myself when the heiress stated she was forced to bond with a...deceased member of my species. Such a blasphemy is unheard of amongst the Darka'ash." I take it what Raina did was a big no-no?

"Under traditional circumstances, her actions would be punishable by death," he clarified, "The Darka'ash are not beings of this world, nor of this time. To kill one and harvest its power like some...common livestock is outrageous in every sense of the word. However, I understand young Raina Djarek had no choice in the matter: she either had to commit the unthinkable, or face a surely horrifying death. Alas, I cannot help but be...beside myself with outrage."

Can you sense what remains of the Darka'ash in her?

"I can...and that's the horrifiying thing. The reaper Raina was forced to bond with lives on in her–to the Darka'ash, death does not mean the end. Whether we live on in the Void or somehow manage to come back to this world, the Darka'ash never truly 'die' in the traditional sense."

Does that mean Ki'aras is still alive?

"Perhaps, but I do not want to get my hopes up."

I suppose that's only fair...

"I understand your concern, Cylus, and fear not: I will not harm the heiress. She is helping your crew hunt down the men who wish to take over the Federation by force. Moreover, I know you spared her for more reasons than just the practical ones."

I couldn't kill her.

"And that is okay. The second requirement of our pact was the ability to show compassion, and you most certainly did when you found Raina Djarek. She is the daughter of your sworn enemy, and yet you showed her mercy. To be honest, I am surprised."

Yeah, so am I.

Twenty minutes later, I finally managed to land my ship on a small landing pad on top of the outpost. If I landed anywhere in this desert, my ship would most likely get flooded with sand.

"Alright, it's showtime," I breathed, rising to my feet, "Ready, Ali?"

"You know it, love," she confirmed, quickly kissing me before putting her helmet on, "Let's get this over with so we can head back to Sylkiir V."

A chuckle rumbled in my chest, and I turned to address Raina. "Wanna tag along?"

"I-I mean, sure. Why not?"

"You'll need to get a helmet–I should have an old one somewhere in the cargo hold," I continued, walking out of the cockpit while I spoke, "If anything, Alexander could lend you one of the countless helmets he's pilfered off the corpses of our dead enemies."

"Hey! I collect them to see how many types of soldiers the Federation has on their beck and call!" my son retorted, "Also, I suppose she could borrow one of my helmets–just remember to give it back!"

"O-Oh, okay. I can do that," Raina stammered, "No worries there."

After she was supplied with a standard-issue Federation soldier helmet, we disembarked from my ship.

"Well, there's a door nearby," Boreas stated, "Let's head over and see if we can open it."

When we reached the far right side of the outpost, I stopped before a metal door that looked as if it had seen better days. I considered picking the lock, but decided against it.

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