Chapter 22

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(The next day...)

"So...Let me get this straight: you...have an urgent bounty for us to take care of?"

Jackson nodded, the grave expression not leaving his face as he threw an info shiv at me. Haven't gotten one of these in a while.

I woke up in the embrace of my wife, only to be formally summoned to Jackson's office by one of his aides. The panicked expression on the poor sap's face was what galvanized me into action and get dressed. Alannah was immediately awake when she felt me get up, and she followed me out of our room after she threw on one of my shirts.

When we got to Jackson's office, we sat down and waited for him to speak.

Back to the current moment, I inserted the info shiv into my arm and studied the information that was displayed in my visor. I had made sure to grab my helmet before leaving my room, so I'm glad I thought ahead.

"Vallen...Djarek," I breathed, feeling bile sting my throat as I continued reading the bounty that had been posted on this individual.

"Yep...It appears Antonin has an heir," Jackson mused, reclining back in his chair, "Apparently, our friend Vallen is at the center of a rather...messy dilemma. From my understanding, Djarek Jr. is trying to gain control of the Federation."

"Or what remains of it," Alannah mumbled.

"Exactly. Not a day goes by where I don't see a broadcast detailing how another system has rebelled against the UTF. To put it lightly, the remaining officers that haven't been ousted or straight-up assassinated are scrambling to consolidate their forces," Jackson stated, "Now, that works perfectly for us: all we would have to do is assassinate more Federation officials and sew seeds of chaos in the few UTF strongholds left until the entire fucking foundation gives out from under them."

"But if the Grand Chancellor's son gains power..." I breathed.

"Then the tide would be shifted against us. If Vallen takes the place of his deceased old man, he could rally the systems that still swear fealty to the Federation and sick them on us. We may have quite a few tricks up our sleeve, but we can't ignore the sheer size of the UTF. They're hobbled, but they're not done yet."

"Good point..." I murmured, continuing to study the information presented before me, "Looks like Vallen was last sighted on Apollihiri...That's a Federation stronghold."

"Indeed it is," Jackson confirmed, "That planet's located in the Strohan system, which thankfully isn't too far away. However, I hope you understand the urgency of this hunt, Cylus."

"I do."

"Good, because I want you and your crew leaving by tomorrow morning–no later."

I didn't have to look to know that Alannah was horrified.

"But...your birthday..." she breathed.

I took her hand in mine and squeezed it. "De jacht nooit eindigt, mijn sintel."

"Such a dour reality...The hunt never ends..." Vik murmured.

Ignoring my friend, I focused on Alannah, "I am genuinely sorry, but we can worry about my birthday later. For now, we need to focus on eliminating Vallen before he has a chance to consolidate power in the Federation."

"I...understand," she murmured, running a thumb across the top of my hand, "I...just wanted to treat you to a day of tranquility..."

"We can do that today," I assured her, turning to regard Jackson, "You okay with that? I know you don't usually ask my crew to leave at a certain time, but can we depart tomorrow?"

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