Chapter 35

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(Two days later...)

"Oh," Alannah began when she saw me enter our room with a tray full of food, "Is that for me?"

I nodded in confirmation. "Of course it is. Thought I'd fetch some breakfast for you while you were still sulking in bed."

"Hey, I'm sorry! It's not my fault our bed is so freaking comfy!"

"Uh huh. This totally doesn't have to do with using me as a pillow and drooling on my chest."

"I do not–wait, I drooled?"

I laughed and sat down beside my petrified wife. "Nah, I was just making sure you were fully awake."

"You don't joke about that, you asshole!" Alannah snapped.

I chuckled and set the tray of food on her lap. "Eat up, silly. Wouldn't want your food to get cold."

"Meanie..." Alannah grumbled while also stuffing a pancake in her mouth.

I chuckled and ruffled her fiery mane of hair. "Hey, I gotta keep you on your toes."

I froze in place when she reached...below the belt. "So it's only fair if I do the same, eh? If I didn't have food on my lap right now, I'd be on yours in a heartbeat."

I felt my throat bob in response. I suppose this is what I get for playing with fire...

The smile on my wife's face did not help the current situation either. "But no matter. I'll just focus on eating this amazing breakfast you brought for me..."

And so while she sensually ate a few pieces of bacon, I reflected on my life's decisions.

"I cannot help but point out that this was your doing–or rather, undoing," Vi'karac pointed out.

Yes, I know.

"Y'know, I find it funny that even Vik admits you backed yourself into a corner," Alannah mused, giggling to herself.

"Wh–ah, yes. Because of your marital bond, you are linked to me," Vik mused, "How could I forget?"

"Looks like you got Cylus' dodgy memory too," Ali pointed out.

"That could be the case."

I groaned in response. "Thanks guys. Good to know you both are in my corner."

"Oh, you know it, love."

After that rather...unfortunate conversation, I allowed my wife to finish her breakfast before taking the tray from her.

"Oh, thank you," she said, standing up after she dusted off her lap, "In all seriousness, that was good food. Thanks for treating me to a lovely breakfast."

I kissed her on the cheek before making my way over to the door. "Anything for you, mijn sintel."

We made our way down to the mess hall where I returned the tray and other utensils. After that, Alannah and I took a walk through the outpost grounds. This habit developed during the times we actually had some down time, which gave us the opportunity to enjoy each other's company.

"It actually feels great outside," my wife mused, looping her arm around mine, "Am I going crazy, or is Sylkiir V starting to look a little breath-taking?"

"Judging by the other planets we've been on, this one's a picturesque wonderland," I murmured, studying the sparsely-clouded sky above me, "And I'm okay with that."

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