Act I: The Ex-Commando

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In the fallout of Grand Chancellor Djarek's demise, the galactic stage has been thoroughly shaken to its core. While this is good news for other groups like the Ashkera Dominion and the Damascaras Alliance, the chaos brought about by the Federation tearing itself apart has brought a fair amount of uncertainty into the fray. We can plan all we want, but what do we do when an unaccounted threat comes barreling into view?

Schemes are being drawn in the shadows, and I'm about to figure out the hard way that eliminating the head of a corrupt regime doesn't immediately solve the problem. One way or another, heads will roll.

And nothing's going to stop me from killing those who deserve to die.

Target: Vincent Horner (A.K.A Killjoy)

Wanted: Dead

Location: Somewhere in the Carrous System

Reward: 100,000 credits

Extra notes: I know we've dealt with the nasty side of the Federation before, but I doubt anyone's ready to see what's in store for this mission. While information may be scant at best and non-existent at worst, we have to be ready to deal with whatever's thrown at us. -B

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