Chapter 30

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(Four hours later...)

"Fucking hell!" Boreas exclaimed when we finally managed to board the Ravager, "And here I thought your ship was going to become a bathtub toy."

I felt a half-hearted laugh rumble through my chest as I turned on the engines and felt my ship lift off. "Don't worry Boreas, I wouldn't let that happen."

"Well, I sure hope you wouldn't!"

I continued to chuckle, only to feel the laughter sputter out in my chest when I looked at Alannah. Her face was pale, and I almost thought I could see...tears running down her cheeks.

"Mijn sintel," I breathed, unsure of where to go with this conversation, "Please, talk to me."

When I received no answer, I had to quell the fear that threatened to blossom in my chest. "Alannah, we have been honest with each other before. Please, do not hide things from me now."

"...Sorry, love. I'm...still trying to come to grips with...well, what I learned."

"Please elaborate," I implored her, trying to balance my focus between my wife and flying my ship through lightning-infested clouds.

"When you get clear of Valeryx VII's atmosphere, I'll tell you."

Catching the sincerity in her voice, I nodded in response and turned my attention toward avoiding the arcing bolts of lightning that got dangerously close to hitting the Ravager.

It took more than a few harrowing close calls, but my ship was leaving Valeryx VII's atmosphere in no time at all. When I was sure we were safe, I loosed a shuddering breath.

"Boreas, start searching for any signs of life around this god-awful planet," I breathed as the doors to the cockpit closed, "If you find anything, let me know."

"Got it, mate."

With that, I engaged the autopilot and turned to address my wife.

"Please tell me what's wrong," I asked her, my voice barely above a whisper.

She fidgeted in her seat for a few moments before opening her mouth. "Back at the clinic we went to, I had the nurse–Ida, I believe–give me a pregnancy test."


"And...I tested positive."

I thought I would've reacted differently: I had so many different thoughts flying around my mind, but they all simply scattered when my wife spoke. I tried to come up with something–anything, but I could only look at Alannah in disbelief.

She sighed and nodded to herself. "I thought you'd react like this. I...probably should've reminded you to use protection all those nights ago, shouldn't I?"

Fuck... "So...That means you're...?"

"Pregnant? Yes. I'm apparently a few weeks along–three weeks at the very minimum. When I told the nurse I missed my period, she knew. So...yeah, this has been a steadily developing situation. I always told myself the cramping and fatigue were from pushing myself too far, but...turns out that wasn't the case."

Slowly, I managed to gather my thoughts. The first thing I managed to say was. "I...should have been more careful. I' sorry, love..."

"You're not to blame, Cylus. If anything, I'm the guilty one for, well, wanting to have a dizzying amount of sex with you.

"We're both at fault for not exercising more caution...forgive me, this is...a fair bit to take in."

"Yeah, no kidding," Alannah replied, taking my hand in hers, "So...what will we do?"

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