Prologue: Friendos

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(Five months after the end of "The Silver Fox's Guile"...)

"I can't believe you fucking talked me into doing this."

"Heeey, chill man," Boreas replied, his voice unnaturally nasally as we walked down a cramped and filthy alleyway street, "We're doing this for a reason."

"Yes, but was this...necessary?" I hissed as our...high-heels clacked on the uneven ground below us.

"From what we were able to understand from the recon I've done, a lot of important Federation officials frequent the night club we're heading toward. How else would we get in?"

"Does dressing in drag really help our case?"

"You wound me," my old friend began, placing a hand over his heart in mock-indignation, "You give me so little credit. We didn't just dress in drag–I managed hit up an old friend of mine who specializes in ChameleonMesh augments that would make us look like a pair of sizzlin' hot babes. To anyone we encounter, we'll look and feel one-hundred percent legit!"

"I can't believe you right now," I growled, stalking ahead of my dastardly partner in crime.

We've spent four months on this case, and this is what Boreas comes up with? I mused to myself, ignoring the people who cast interested glances our way as we continued moving forward. Oh yeah, sure: we'll go to Lier'Jun and see what we can find–hah, bullshit. If I had known we'd be going down a red light district disguised as 'exotic dancers,' I would've fucking bailed before shit got this bad.

"Calm yourself, Cylus," Vi'karac chimed in, "Trust your friend. Yes, his methods are unorthodox at best, but how else would you get close to your targets? You've been hunting down a sect of Federation officials who are trying to rally their forces in this system. If they are not dealt with, Lier'Jun may fall back into UTF control."

Yes, I know...

"Besides, it would have either been you and Boreas or Alannah who would be taking care of this mission–."

"No," was all I rumbled out.

"Then it is settled. Besides, I doubt anyone will ask any questions when they see you and Boreas."

I didn't have anything left to say, so I left it at that.

Passing by all the squalor and filth, we finally stopped before a rather-inconspicuous building on the left side of the road. The only tip this was a 'nightclub' was a rather-tough looking bouncer that stood in front of the main entrance.

"Hiii! We're new dancers here, and I'm wondering where we need to go?" Boreas prompted the guard in the most grating voice imaginable. Kill me now...

The bouncer was understandably caught off guard, and I could tell he had trouble collecting himself as he noticed just how scantily-clad my best friend was. He might as well have worn pasties–would've been just as decent.

"U-Um, keep going forward–there's a side alley that'd take you to a back door. That's where most of the...dancers go."

"Ah, okaaay. Thaaanks!" Boreas drawled as he flipped his long white hair over a shoulder, took my hand in his and led me away. Way to make a scene, Boreas...At least my hair's about the same length it usually is...

And so we continued on our way. Considering the fact we were in the, a-hem, seedier part of Lier'Jun, the gazes that were cast our way did not ease my frayed nerves. Thank god I have a small pistol in my high-heel boot...Boreas may have gone with the hooker heels, but I made damn sure I got something reminiscent of a boot. That way, I can hide a weapon–heaven knows I couldn't keep it anywhere else...

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