Chapter 27

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(One hour later...)

Somehow, we managed to get back to my ship without leaving a heavy body count in our wake. After we got off the train we had originally rode on a few hours ago, I only had to gun down a handful of spaceport guards who tried to stop me. When it became apparent that my crew and I were armed to the teeth, no one else decided to bother us. I was tired of this planet anyway...

Once we were on board the Ravager, I went straight to the cockpit of my ship and got ready to depart.

"Um, Cylus?" I heard Alexander inquire, "What should we do about the bodies...?"

Oh right. Forgot about those. "Throw them out the airlock when we're in space."

"Got it. I'll get Ralph and Damien to help me."

I grunted in response and fired up my engines. A few moments later, Boreas entered the cockpit and stood between me and Alannah.

"Hmm...yep, looks like I was right," he mused as he worked on the nav computer, "The Lar'jeno system's about three hours away. Might as well head over there while we still can."

I nodded in understanding and began the slow ascent off the landing pad. "Here's hoping we can get out of here before we have spitfires breathing down our backs."

"Eh, I trust you and Ali to keep everyone alive," Boreas responded as he inputted the coordinates to Valeryx VII into the nav computer, "Have fun up here, you two."

I chuckled to myself. "We will. Make sure my son doesn't get sucked into space."

"Aye-aye captain."

After my partner left, I focused on the trip ahead. At this point, we were back in the canyon, and I made sure we stuck to the shadows. Before I knew it, I found an exit wide enough for my ship, and we were soaring up into the beautiful aquamarine sky in no time at all.

Once the pitch darkness of space surrounded us, I engaged my ship's auto-pilot and relaxed. It was then I heard Alannah hum to herself, and I turned to regard her.

"Everything okay?" I prompted her, taking my helmet off and setting it down on the floor beside me.

My wife also had her helmet off, so I was able to see the thoughtful expression on her face.

"Um...something might be wrong," she finally stated, her brow creased with concern, "I'm late."

"Late? On what?" I prompted her, only to blink in surprise when she lightly hit my shoulder.

"On my period, you dingus," she elaborated, rolling her eyes as she sighed, "I dunno, maybe it's due to stress–heaven knows we've all been thoroughly stressed out lately, so that's my best guess. Sorry, I usually try to take care of this stuff so we won't have to worry about it later, but I noticed a few days ago that...yeah, I was late."

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"I didn't want you to worry," Alannah replied, "It's probably nothing, but can we possibly stop by a medical clinic on Valeryx VII just to be sure?"

"I see no problem with that," I said, taking her hand in mine, "I know we both would be open to having a child and growing our family, not a good time to do that."

"I know," she breathed, leaning back in her seat, "While this may be nothing, it could be something–and that scares me."

"Likewise. For now, don't worry about it–let's focus on reaching Valeryx VII and figuring out where Vallen and General Maximilian are located."

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