Chapter 47

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The instant I was greeted with pitch darkness, a curious feeling spread through my body. Sure, I was totally freaked out by the fact a Darka'ash probably just entered my head, but I've been through worse before. I mean, hell: Cylus and I had to fight undead super soldiers on a mostly-abandoned space station once upon a time. After you go through something like that, you don't get easily spooked.

" are not scared," a weary voice mused, "I am...impressed."

I grunted in response and attempted to look around, only to be greeted by more darkness.

"Cylus told me about his bonding process with Vik, but I didn't think it'd be this hardcore," I mused to myself, "You must be Ki'aras."

"I am," she confirmed, "I...must say: I am surprised this is happening. If this was not happening right now...I would be dead."

"Well, I'm glad I was able to help out," I answered, tittering to myself, "So...did I pass?"

"Yes, you did. Just taking a fleeting glance at your most-recent memories shows me you know how to kill without hesitation along with showing compassion to those you come in contact with."

"Well, I try to, at any rate," I began, loosing a soft sigh, "It's hard being brave when you've seen the shit I've seen."

"Indeed. You have been through a lot–with so much more on the horizon," Ki'aras mused, "You have life growing in you."

"Oh, yes. That I do."

"I envy you. Darka'ash are not conceived in the traditional way. To be frank with you, no one knows how my people are created. No matter how we were created, we are barren upon arrival–the females in my society cannot bear children."

" condolences," I murmured, "I didn't even think there were female Darka'ash."

"There are. Most serve as assassins and couriers, but I was fortunate enough to serve as a Sentinel before being promoted to the Twilight King's personal guard," Kia'aras answered, "And where I met Vi'karac."

"I take it your first encounter was love at first sight?"

"Not exactly–love is not a concept most Darka'ash can grasp. I was more a feeling of admiration I felt. He was...different from the other guards in our troop. Maybe it was because he was Guard captain, but Vi'karac was not afraid to tell us what was on his mind. He never lied to us–even when the odds were against us."

"That certainly is an admirable thing to do," I said, "Well, are you feeling better? If you need to talk about what the Twilight King did to you, I'm a good listener."

Ki'aras hummed to herself. "What a curious feeling...It's been a while since anyone's cared for me. After Vi'karac was forced to kill me, all I can remember was darkness...and pain. Never-ending pain..."

"It's over now–Sal'kahnak is no more," I assured her, remembering the pile of black ashes I had seen on the floor before kneeling beside my husband, "Now, it's time to heal and recover."

"I doubt I will ever heal completely...but I suppose I will find out. For now, return to your husband. I...require rest..."

"Oh, okay. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to speak up," I replied.

"Thank you, Alannah Haze. For now, I bid you farewell."

After that, it felt like my brain did a full-system reset. Getting past the spots dancing in my vision and the ringing in my ears, I quickly realized I was still in the strange chamber Er'faniir had taken me to.

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