Chapter 45

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"So, you have finally decided to return to me," Sal'kahnak purred, leaning back in his throne of black thorns while my crew tried to get as far away from him as possible.

As Vi'karac stood in front of me, I couldn't help but wonder how we got here. Well, for one, Vik was onto something: the black ships that appeared on either side of the Ravager came out of nowhere, so I'm guessing the Darka'ash still have some toys left at their disposal.

Once I had realized there was no way to get us out of this mess, I allowed the dark vessels to guide my ship toward the towering temple I remembered all-too-well. Much to my surprise, we were led into a dark stone hanger. It looked dusty as hell, but it was still in one piece. That much couldn't be said for the other Darka'ash outposts we visited.

After we left my ship, we were immediately surrounded by towering guards. Without a single word being uttered, we were escorted out of the hanger and taken straight to the Twilight King. I had hoped there was some way I could create a diversion long enough for us to come up with a plan of attack, but unfortunately, we didn't have that luxury. Sal'kahnak probably planned this out to a T...son of a bitch.

Back to the current moment, I tried to gauge how Vik was feeling and failed miserably. If the guy was feeling anything, he wasn't letting it show.

When the silence grew to be too much, the Twilight King loosed a dramatic sigh. "Have nothing to say?"

"To you, no," Vik snapped, turning to face Er'faniir, "I am wasting my time here."

"My, being with the Terrans truly has changed you," Sal'kahnak mused, cutting the other Darka'ash off before he even had a chance to speak, "You never let your emotions get the better of you."

Realizing what my friend was trying to do, I couldn't help but shudder. You are playing with fire, be careful.

"I suppose you could say I learned a thing or two from my friends," he replied, his entire body rigid with agitation.

"Ah yes, How could I forget the glaring difference in you," Sal'kahank continued, disdain dripping from his voice, "You have assumed a human guise. I would have brought you here sooner, but my scouts had trouble finding you."

"Either that, or they have more loyalty to your guard captain than they do to you," Er'faniir fired off. In response, two javelins of dark energy were pointed at his neck.

"I should have kept a better eye on you, Er'faniir. Alas, I put too much faith in you," the Twilight King mused, picking at his nails, "No matter. It is time you learned your place."

Faster than anyone could react, Vi'karac had a twin set of blades in his hands and used them to bat away the guards' weapons.

"Harm my brother, and I will gut you," he breathed, reverting to his original form, "I did not come here to bow before you, Sal'kahnak."

"Yes yes, I know what you wish to do," the ancient sovereign replied, waving a hand in the air, "Took you long enough to figure out what was afoot."

"You cannot just butcher your own people to keep them in line!" Vik exploded, turning away from the shocked guards to fully focus on the Twilight King, "I will never forgive you for what you did to me–to Er'faniir–to Ki'aras."

Apparently, Sal'kahnak also knew what was my friend was playing at since the proud light in his eyes seemed to gutter for the briefest of moments. "What are you playing at, Vi'karac?"

A dark laugh escaped my friend as he incapacitated the guards who tried to harm Er'faniir–he delivered a quick slash to their legs without so much as a fleeting glance. "It is time you paid your dues, Sal'kahnak. You will enslave my people no longer."

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