Chapter 39

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(The next day...)

"I'd say we're going on an adventure, but this is one road trip that's going to suck balls," Boreas mused while he lounged back in the cockpit of my ship, "What's our first destination?"

"From what I can remember, the Syrkallon system is closer to our current location," Vik replied, "It would be better if we go there first."

"Where exactly would we go to in this system?"

"I believe its name is Ka'farii. The Ricardt system is about two-three hours away from the Syrkallon system, so our travels will not be too lengthy."

"While that's good and all, how long will it take us to reach Syrkallon?" I prompted him, only to frown when I heard Boreas curse.

"Shit, six hours?" he hissed, "And that's the estimated time while having the warp drive on."

I whistled. "I take it these systems are in an older part of the galaxy?"

"...Unfortunately, they are," Vik confirmed, "Our destination is  located in the section of the cosmos where the Darka'ash used to reign supreme. Now, however, most of my peoples' forts and settlements are abandoned. As far as I'm concerned, Sal'Kahnak withdrew his pawns back to Vortas'kær. I do not know why he did this, but I suppose we will see soon enough."

"Ah, wack. So we'll be exploring the ancient ruins of an old-as-fuck species? Sounds like a regular day to me," Boreas mused.

"Unfortunately," I breathed, shaking my head in disbelief, "Just making sure: everyone boarded before we took off?"

"Of course. My brother, Damien, and Alex are keeping Raina company, so that's part of the reason why I came up here."

"Their conversation scared you that much?" Alannah inquired.

"No–well...when you put it that way..."

"What the hell were they talking about?" I demanded.

"Ehm...Raphael was telling Raina about all of the dumb shit I've done throughout the years."

"She'll be in the cargo hold for a long time then," Alannah mused while I steadily began to lose my shit, "I could write a book on that topic alone."

"Gee, thanks for helping me out," Boreas grumbled.

"That's what friends are fooor!" she chirped.

After Boreas left the room, I engaged my ship's autopilot and lounged back in my seat. We have a looong trip ahead of us.

"Oh, Ali," I began, remembering something, "How's our contingency plan coming along?"

In response, she handed me three clips full of bright silver bullets. "Use them sparingly. Took me more time than I'm willing to admit to get those ready for you, so let's hope this'll help out in the long run."

I sighed and stored the three clips of 'special' ammo in one of my duster pockets. " can hope."

"Wait, was that...?" Vik began.

"Don't worry about it, Vik," I breathed, folding my arms behind my head and huffing to myself, "Doesn't hurt to have a contingency plan."

"So you have said..."

At some point, my eyes drifted closed, and I fell into a comfortable slumber. I passed time like this until I felt something tickle my chin.

I grunted in surprise and cracked an eye open to see what had tickled me. Well, turns out Alannah decided to climb into my lap and use me as a pillow.

The Fractured Empire: A Tale of DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now