Chapter 38

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After we were done speaking with Andromeda, Alannah, Vik, and I went down to the mess hall to let everyone know what we were planning on doing.

As expected, Raina was not interested in staying.

"Please, I-I'd rather not be stuck here," she said, casting her gaze down, "L-Look, I know I'm not exactly...'battle-ready,' but I still want to help–you spared me when others would've put a bullet between my eyes, so the least I could do is help."

Feeling more than a little conflicted, I looked to Alannah for help. This is no easy decision: we won't be going after a regular target–oh, this'll be anything but normal. The Twilight King is no pushover.

Oh, for sure. However, I'm sure Raina would learn quickly. If anything, she could stay by me.

Grunting in response, I quickly looked at Vik.

A small grin brightened his expression. "Remember? You both are linked through me. In turn, that allows you both to communicate without speaking verbally."

Huh, how convenient.

I know, right? going to be confusing. Clearing my throat, I regarded Raina. "Alright, you can come along."

Her jaw dropped in shock, and it took several moments for her to speak. "W-Wait, seriously?"

I nodded in confirmation. "There will be rules, though. For one, I want you to stay by Alannah. Your job will be to provide cover fire and protect her from any and all threats."

The color drained from her face. "U-Um, I'm not entirely a fighter..."

"I know, so that's why Vik and I are going to work with you after we're done down here."

"Wait, we are?" he echoed.

"Yeah. We should at least have the rest of today to ourselves before pursuing the leads Andromeda provided. The Twilight King sent his messages more than a few days ago, so I doubt leaving tomorrow is going to complicate things–well, any further than they already are."

"Valid point," Viktor breathed, "Very well. I will attempt to educate Raina on her abilities, and you will train her in the ways of combat. I only ask that you do not overwork her."

"I won't," I assured him, turning my attention to the rest of my group, "Everyone else can chill for the rest of the day. I suggest you enjoy this free time while it lasts. I doubt our next bounty is going to be a quick one."

"You're not wrong there..." Alannah grumbled, leaning forward and propping her head up on one arm, "I'll probably go with you and Vik to make sure you don't tenderize the poor lass."

"We're not going to tenderize her," I replied, cringing when I heard Raina whimper.

"I have a hard time believing that when you're already one scary motherfucker," Alex snapped, "How about I help her with hand-to-hand combat. You've taught me enough, so I don't see why I can't."

Huh, this is an interesting development. "Fair enough, I'll at least show her different maneuvers and strikes, and you'll take care of the sparring."

"Sounds like a plan to me, old man."

I couldn't stop the sigh from escaping me. "Don't push your luck, kid."

- - -

(three hours later...)

"M-Mercy..." Raina muttered, flopping onto the padded gym floor.

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