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Bakugo's POV
After we ate we got our stuff ready. I, for once, did feel tired at all so I went out for a stroll. I felt calm being alone in the woods. I didn't wander too far from camp cuz I didn't want any trouble...Aizawa is kinda scary sometimes...NOT LIKE THAT! I mean his quirk is kinda scary, but not scary scary... God I'm such a fucking mess. I stop my tracks somewhere in the moonlight. It's funny how I could look up to the sky and the only person in my mind was (Y/n)... I mean those goddawm beautiful eyes and that personality... not to mention that...NO NO NO NO NO! SNAP OUT OF IT YOU DAMMED DUMBASS! But then again...who would ever what to look at someone else...

Your POV
I saw Bakugo leave camp so I decided to follow him. To make sure he was safe..NOT THAT I CARE, but yet I kinda do. I'm drawn to him and I don't know why. I feel like I'm flowing on water and the feeling I get when I'm around him is electric. He powers me up. He stopped in the moonlight for a while, looking up to the sky. A small yet noticeable blush creeped on his face. He was still fighting his feelings when he was alone. Kinda cute. He was lost in thought and I felt devilish so I scared him.

Back to Bakugo's POV


I WAS SCARED OF MY GODDAM LIFE WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?! Then I saw (Y/n)... and she'll pay!

- You shouldn't do that you never HOW MUCH YOULL PISS SOMEONE OFF GET BACK HERE!!

Your POV

I started running as fast as I could. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to scare him...correction very bad decision! He was catching up to me so I used my quirk to make the ground slippery and hoped slow him down. It worked! But then he got even more mad! DAWM THIS GUY IS FURIOUS! Note to self : NEVER scare Bakugo again!


I kept running until I started getting tired, I was slowing down and that's not a good thing at all with angry Baka behind. I made a hard turn so he'd pass me and I'd go back...

- I'll kill her...KILL HER!!!

I covered my mouth and closed my eyes. I felt his footsteps on the ground. When I didn't feel then anymore I got up and sighed.

- Thank god he's gone..

Something felt off...

- Hehehe found you~
- ... oh sh-


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