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(Y/n)'s POV

It was time to watch the up coming battle between Todoroki and Bakugo. I was utterly nervous because they both are super strong and I don't want to lose. I'm so stressed about this I can barely focus. I saw Izuku and his friends approach me but k got up and left before he could say "hi" to me. I went in the room to prepare. I heard huge booms and it scared me. I didn't want to know who I was up against.... I didn't even care right now. I'm gonna win for everyone! I've got this.

It was my turn, I couldn't believe it. Todoroki saw me and came over. I tried to runaway but he grabbed my arm.

- Please be careful....

Those words sent shivers down my spine, I was gonna battle Bakugo.

- Thanks...
- Listen, if it helps, I'm really truly sorry. I should've went to you instead of start trouble. Can you forgive me?
- I umm...

He looked in my eyes. His were begging for an approval. He got closer and kissed my cheek.

- I'd like my girlfriend back in one piece please.
- That i can do.

We laughed a bit before going out separate ways.


He ran back and hugged me one last time before my match. As I was walking out everyone was yelling my name. It helped me feel better until I saw the anger and furry in Bakugo's crimson eyes. The battle started in...



Bakugo didn't hesitate in going in for the first blow. I made a shield blocking his explosion. Although it did ALMOST bring me out of bounds. I ran up to him using my lighting in both my arms.


I sent Bakugo in the air. Unlucky him I had a plan. He came back flying down to me hoping to smash me in the ground. I moved a bit making him fall on his face. He got back up and threw some punches to me. I got hit a couple of time but I didn't give up. I was...losing...I can't lose. He stopped after a while seeing that I was on the ground. I have to get up...now. Then I heard someone say :


It was Bakugo. Fine I'll give you the fight you want. I got up and I was in a big blue orb. It was a water orb swirling around me. Then lighting swirled around me too. I glanced and Kirishima and Denki. They mouthed "Don't do it".

- I'm sorry Kirishima and Denki...but I have to...

I transformed in the Storm Goddess. I had an awesome costume. My body filled with energy. I wasn't going to back down, not now...


I ran super fast towards Bakugo. He used his exposing against me. I was running out of time. I had to use my final blow. I powered up and so did Bakugo. We ran towards each other screaming. Cementos thought quickly and made a cement wall between us but it didn't stop us. Our fist touched and we flew away. I was in the air and so was he. He fought in the air. They didn't stop us from fighting. I wondered why? We were both losing energy. We both pretty much passed our limits. Well I know I did. I've been in my powered up mode for 5 minutes. Not only am I fighting Bakugo but I'm also fighting exhaustion. We once again used all our energy left to throw one last punch. He flew and so did I...but he won. Because...I was one centimetre out of bounds. I can't believe I lost. I fainted before I heard Midnight announced the winner. I heard Bakugo yelling at me trying to wake me up but I didn't bugged. I was too tired. I was as crazy as Izuku in his fight with Todoroki. What the hell did I get myself into.

X3 awwwwwwwww oki so imma like....write more :D

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