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(Y/n)'s POV

A vortex appeared and a HUGE MONSTER CAME OUT! I was close to my limit I couldn't give up! I'll always push through NO MATTER WHAT! He called it a Nomu. A few of my classmates were where Aizawa and I were fighting and their jaws dropped when they saw what I was going to have to go up against. I make a fist and I ran towards the beats.


I sent the Nomu flying, but something wasn't right. He...healed himself?! What the hell?! What's his quirk?! He ran to me and pushed me so hard I broke a rock. My head hurt and everything went black.

Bakugo's POV

I heard a huge boom and saw (Y/n) unconscious. I was so ANGRY. I tried to blast that thing outta here but All Might showed up.


He wasn't smiling. As soon as he saw her unconscious he got...angry. He threw punches that made the ugly thing fly but it came back stronger then ever. All Might was...LOSING?! NO IT CANT BE! I directed my focus on the fucking purple vortex. I WILL BECOME STRONGER THEN ALL MIGHT AND I WILL BE NUMBER ONE HERO!

All Might's POV

I was losing. I can't give up. I'm using so much strength. I need to catch him off guard. A blue and yellow light started to appear not far. I couldn't believe my eyes...

(Y/n)'s POV

I opened my eyes and saw All Might fighting that Nomu. I knew I had to help him. I started to focus on using 100% of both my quirks... that makes using 200% of my total power! It would be the first time I'd use it like this, but with what Izuku told me about All Might...I have to help him out. I started to glow some blue and yellow. I knew All Might saw me.

- Don't worry All Might... I can still stand!

I ran over before the Nomu shot his shot. I made a protection bubble. I was furious for some reason. I knew it was reckless of me but as long as I can stand I'll lend a hand.

- All Might I cant hold this for much longer... got a plan?
- Yes. Go behind the Nomu and when I start running run as well let's punch this sucker into the sky!

All Might stood there giving it a medium force punch. I was ready and so was he. I ran and so did he. We gave a hell of a punch but I was to drained to withstand the impact. I went flying too. And pretty soon after it was lights out again.

Bakugo's POV

I saw (Y/n) and All Might give a hell of a punch to that thing. She went flying in the air heading for the mountain. I jumped as fast as I could and I caught her before she hit her head even more. Fucking Deku should've done more but his quirk seems to powerful. I didn't fucking care about anything other then her safety. I carried her to Recovery girl after four eyes showed up with back-up. Kirishima wanted to help but I told him to fuck off. I laid (Y/n) down on a bed while Recovery girl healed her.

- She's lucky you know.
- Huh?
- She used over 200% of her quirk!
- Tch. Impossible no one can use that much power.
- I'm her family...they can.
- What do you mean?
- I feel like you don't know your girlfriend at all.
- Oh sorry. Well I mean her father and grandfather both went here. They were really strong until her father had a terrible accident.
- What happened?
- Her father used to much of his power to save people. His body couldn't keep up with him and one day... he died. The fight was incredible. You should look it up.
- Tch.

Was it even possible? She is reckless, but she wouldn't go that far would she? I toke out my phone and started to watch the video. So much power in every since punch he made. Then he was crushed and All Might was there...I didn't know they worked together? Then I see him glowing, like (Y/n) was earlier... then a little girl ran towards him telling him to stop. He was yelling at her... then it hit me. She doesn't like yelling because it reminds her of her father's last moments. How can she go though so much and still smile so bright? You fucking amazing dumbass. I left the office and went back to class, everyone was concerned about Deku and All Might. I knew they were fucking fine. I just wanted (Y/n) to wake up now.

off long chapter guys dawm anyways imma sleep now goodnight x3

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