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(Y/n)'s POV

I ran away as soon as Todoroki came. I couldn't stand people yelling, it reminded me of my parents fighting, of the day my father... I can't handle it. I couldn't be strong in front of him. It's like he was still the sweet boy I knew but I knew he was long gone. I ran up the stairs to the roof and then I was locked up there and that wasn't even the worst part...it started to rain. As if this day could get any worse. My classes were about to start and I knew I had to figure out a way to get in. Then I remembered that there was an open window in my class, I could sneak in. I used my water control quirk to slide down. I saw the open window but I slipped on the edge. Good thing I can control water I helped myself up and I went in class. Little did I know my watch stopped working...and I fell in class wet. Everyone looked at me, I was embarrassed until Kirishima gave me his jacket. He gave me a wink and I toke my seat. Bakugo looked at me often during class. I shot a couple of glares at him. He stopped after the teacher spotted him. He completely ignored the fact that I was dripping everywhere. This really does suck but at least the people were nice. After class Kirishima stayed to help me clean up my mess. He said I could keep his jacket. I thought he was really sweet. He then toke my hand all the way to our next class. It made me blush, but then I felt something burn my head. I looked around me and saw crimson eyes looking straight at us. Kirishima didn't let my hand go thought. Then Sero came and put his arm around my next. We talked a bit before the bell rang. We were in English, the easiest class ever. I toke my phone out and saw I had a message from Todoroki.

Text messages

Todoroki :
Are you okay?
                                                        (Y/n) :
                    I'm fine, just hurt a bit as you can imagine.

Todoroki :
I know...can you smile though?
                                                        (Y/n) :
Todoroki :
Because your smile makes class more fun. A frown doesn't suit you, y'know.
                                                         (Y/n) :
      Thanks Todo... means a lot to me
Todoroki :
No prob! I know what will make you laugh! Watch me okay?

I looked at him. He was doing funny faces. I couldn't help but laugh. The whole class stared at me but soon joined in my laughter.

Bakugo's POV

Who the fuck is laughing during fucking English? I turned around to see her laughing. A small blush started to appear on my face. Her laughter is contagious, soon everyone was laughing. I didn't know what made her laugh so much. She looked at me for a brief second and stopped laughing. The laughter died not long after. I felt really bad about it... why did I fuck up so bad? And why with her? But I can't lie to myself about this... her smile really keeps me going, I feel terrible for making it go away. I need to fix this even if I'm no good with words and emotions.

hehehehege Bakugo caught feelsssssss yeye

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