Kyojuro Rengoku.

Otsune had once told you of warriors known as Demon Slayers, brave warriors who dedicated their lives to the dangerous task of ridding the world of evil demons that threatened the safety of all. And among them were the mighty Hashiras, highly trained and skilled warriors who went against all human dynamics, using their expertise to defeat even the most powerful of demons, called the Upper-Moons.

So when Kazahana had its first demon attack, the villagers contacted the Demon Slayer Corps, and thus, the Flame Hashira was summoned.

Upon Kyojuro's arrival, many of the villagers (mainly women) were smitten by his charming looks.

A bizarrely handsome and strong warrior indeed, they would say.

Though you never would've given him a second glance, however, you couldn't help but find him quite...alluring!

From his bizarre flame-colored hair, strangely shaped eyebrows, and seemingly well-built physique.

He truly was dashing!

And though you would've never admitted it out loud, you were smitten by him.


"What is he doing here?!" You asked upon seeing the Flame Hashira with Otsune.

It had begun to snow again once they'd reached the temple, and Kyojuro's eccentric smile never left his lips upon seeing the love of his life.

His lovely Snow Flower.

Lady Otsune simply smiled as she stepped onto the engawa.

"I'd invited him." The wise woman said matter-of-factly, as though it were the obvious answer.

In which, it definitely was.

"You should already know by now why Rengoku-san is here."

Your eyes widen in realization before narrowing as you then glare at the flame-haired male standing before you.

If looks could kill, Kyojuro knew for sure he'd be a deadman by the way you were glaring daggers at him.

"I thought I told you to NEVER return!" You growled, however Kyojuro remained unfazed as he only stared at you lovingly.

Despite the irritated and angry tone of your voice, the Flame Hashira couldn't help but be infatuated by how absolutely beautiful you looked.

You were wearing a (favorite color) kimono embroidered with beautiful patterns and obi.

"You're looking as beautiful as always, my lovely snow flower!" He commented with a smile.

"Marry me♡" He added, and he didn't miss the way your face quickly flushed red.

"Stop calling me that! For the millionth time, I DON'T WANT TO MARRY YOU!"

If he had been any other man, Kyojuro would've taken your words to heart and walked away disheartened, but nope! He's far too much in love and is determined to make you his beloved wife.

He knew you could be quite the tsundere, and he just loved teasing you and seeing you flustered. You're really cute this way.

"Did you miss me?" Kyojuro asked, completely ignoring you, as he lowered his head slightly, giving you that seductive look.

"N-no, I didn't miss you, so get it through that non-existent brain of yours!" You blushed even more, looking away from him, and crossing your arms.

"Well, that's too bad, because I most certainly have missed you, my sweet flame♡" Kyojuro purred while caressing your cheek, causing you to snap your eyes open.

'Wait, when did he get so close?'

You gasped, realizing his close proximity, and quickly backed away from him as if his touch had burned you. In truth, it's been awhile since you last felt a man's touch.

"Hm, what's wrong, my love?" Kyojuro asked with a small frown while tilting his head at your sudden retreat.

You could almost hear the disappointment in his tone.

"N-nothing, I just─"

"Are you ready to begin your first test, Rengoku-san?" Came Otsune's voice.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now