14: Awkward Situations

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"K-Kyo..your ten minutes are up. It's time for you to get out!" You say.

Kyojuro could hear the uneasiness in your sweet tone as he opened his eyes to glance at you.

You had your back turned to him, and he raised a questionable forked eyebrow when you approached him while walking backwards.

"Why are you walking backwards, my snow flower? Wouldn't it be best if you turned around and faced me?" He says it innocently.

In sheer honesty, you were just trying to prevent yourself from glancing at his naked form.

"N-no, it's fine! Um, I brought you a towel!" You say this, reaching behind you to give him the towel.

Your heart picked up speed at the sound of water, implying that he had stood up, as you tried your best not to look back.

He graciously took the towel from you, and you heard the sound of rustling, meaning he was drying himself off, but you still didn't dare to look at him.

"I'm guessing I've succeeded in my second test." He asked.

"Y-yes." You nodded, passing him the cup of herbal tea you'd brewed.

"Here, drink this. It'll cure you of hypothermia and flu." You added with your back still to him.

Kyojuro took the cup from you and glanced down at the tea. It had a spicy yet grassy smell to it, but nevertheless, he shrugged before gulping it down.

You'd instantly heard him cough, and you thought he'd choked before turning to face him.

"Kyo, are you alrigh─"

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." He laughed nervously, "I never thought tea could taste so bad."

Figures, since it's herbal medicine.

You didn't respond, and Kyojuro glanced to see you just standing there frozen with an odd look on your pretty face. Your beautiful (eye color) eyes were the size of dinner plates.

Your mouth was open in surprise; you looked completely astounded.

"Hm, what is it, my love?" He asked.

"( ౦ □ ౦ )‼"

Kyojuro blinked, wondering why you weren't saying anything as he gently placed a hand over your forehead. Your face was burning up, and your cheeks were flushed red.

Were you sick? Were you coming down with a fever? He didn't know.

"[Name], what's wrong?"

[Name].exe Has Stopped Working!

Before Kyojuro could say anything else, you instantly screamed and then shoved him away from you, all whilst blushing profusely.



Meanwhile, Otsune laid out the extra tatami mat on the floor before spreading a blanket over it.

Her peace was instantly interrupted by the sound of you screaming and yelling at Kyojuro.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora