65: One Thousand Wishes

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A masculine warm and naked body pressed behind you, strong arms wrapped around your waist, breath slow and warm on your nape.

Kyōjurō had spooned you some point last night. It felt so perfect to be in his arms that you almost couldn't bring yourself to move. All you wanted to do on was lay there, basking in the feel of him being so close to you.

However, today Kyōjurō had had other plans as he had woken you sometime after and told you to get dressed.

Today, he wanted to take you out and into town. Apparently, there was a special festival taking place in Kawaramachi and Kyōjurō thought it would a great idea for a couple's outing, rather than lounging around the ryokan.


"Come along on, my love!" Kyōjurō says as he continues to drag you along the streets of Kawaramachi.

You rolled your eyes at his enthusiasm, but the smile on your lips gave away that you didn't mind at all. In fact, you find it absolutely adorable whenever he got excited like a child during Karimasu (Japanese version of Christmas).

The air was warm, a gentle breeze steadily passing over you two.

It was the beginning of the Star Festival or "Tanabata" and in the spirit of the holiday, a majority of people were in town to celebrate it. Now you finally understood why he had chosen Kyoto as the ideal place for your honeymoon.

You smiled, glancing around to see children with their parents running around enjoying the spectacle and vendors setting up their food stalls.

The smell of delicious food cooking whiffed through air as you breath a sigh, seeing the streets being decorated with colorful ribbons and streamers.

"Is everything ok, my love?" Kyōjurō questioned, his voice full of concern, snapping you from your musing and prompting you to look at him.

"I-I'm okay, Kyō." You tell him, "why you ask?" You questioned, wondering why your husband was looking at you oddly.

"Sorry, you just had this faraway look in your eyes that I was wondering what it is you're thinking of?" He admitted.

"Oh, I was just thinking how lucky I am to spend the festival with you."

Kyōjurō's expression lit up in delight at your sweet words as he stopped and turned to you. Your heartbeat did a 360 no-scope when he planted a quick peck on your lips as a reward for being a loving wife.

"I'm glad you are, my love! I want to make our honeymoon memorable and cherish every moment of it with you♡" He smiles.

Without hesitation, you kissed him, unable to handle how immensely sweet he can be.

"Then, what're we waiting for? Let's go!" You say excitedly, before dragging him along.


The two went through several stands that were already serving as you explored the area, having plenty of fun along the way. You both stopped at a cotton candy stand and decided to get some. Kyōjurō's strawberry and yours (favorite flavor).

Afterwards, you two then made your way down the street where bright colorful streamers and origami hang from above.

This was one of the most famous customs of the Star Festival as you gasp upon seeing hundreds, if not thousands of paper strips (tanzaku) hanging on bamboo.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now