25: Welcome Home

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Fallen leaves.

A sign that the summer season was nearing its end as a straw broom swept along the concrete.

The warmth of the afternoon sunlight filtered through the maidenhair tree as yellow and red leaves fell from its branches. The air was balmy, the sky clear of clouds, and a gentle breeze rustled through the tress.

Senjuro hummed a little tune as he swept up all the leaves and small debris of dirt off the sidewalk.

It's been almost two weeks since his big brother had left home and to say that he was missing him greatly, would certainly be an understatement. It's been awfully quiet and boring around the Rengoku household without the vibrant Kyojuro. And amazingly, their Otōsan hadn't been berating and getting onto him about his training as of late, which was a good thing for the young boy. Despite the absence of his brother, he found solace in the lessons Kyojuro had imparted to him. The house felt emptier without his energetic presence, but Senjuro tried to keep himself busy by doing household chores.

But still, things hadn't been the same around here without Kyojuro's typical happy vibe to help brighten the day, and Senjuro wondered when he was coming home.

Releasing a sigh, the young Rengoku stopped his sweeping, both his hands resting on the stick of the broom and his chin upon them. Half-lidded golden and red eyes mindlessly stared up at the ginkgo tree longingly.

"I wonder what Oniichan is doing right now?" Senjuro mumbled softly, watching two leaves (a yellow one and a red one) fall simultaneously.

Kyojuro was bringing home a wife to meet his family and Senjuro couldn't help but feel nervous. The thought of his brother introducing a new member to their tight-knit family was both exciting and daunting for the younger. He couldn't help but wonder how their dynamic would change with the addition of a new person. Would she fit in seamlessly or would there be friction and clashes? Senjuro tried to push these thoughts aside, but they lingered in the back of his mind, casting a shadow of doubt over the upcoming meeting. Despite his nerves, he couldn't deny the curiosity that bubbled within him, eager to finally meet the woman who had captured Kyojuro's heart.

"This [Name] must really be something. I wonder what she's like. I just hope she's friendly," Senjuro ponders to himself as he continues to sweep the leaves with a sense of curiosity lingering in his mind.

The mere thought of meeting his future sister-in-law fills him with a mix of excitement and apprehension, wondering how their interaction might unfold. He imagines [Name] to be a kind and approachable individual, someone who would greet him with a warm smile and engage in friendly conversation. The anticipation of meeting her builds with each sweep of the broom.

Suddenly, Senjuro soon heard what sounded like movement behind him as a shadow looms over him. He immediately turned only for his eyes widened in surprise to see─

"ONII-CHAN!" He exclaimed happily, dropping the broom and quickly running over to his big brother with opened arms.

Kyojuro smiled a joyous grin before holding his arms out as Senjuro leaped into his welcoming embrace.

"You're finally home! Welcome back!" The younger exclaimed cheerfully, wrapping his arms around Kyojuro's neck.

"I've missed you!" Senjuro adds with a tearful smile.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now