49: The Whistleblower

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"You must forgive the people. With all the strange happenings going on around here, it's hard to trust anyone, nowadays." The mysterious woman says.

"That's understandable... and may I ask who are you?" Kyōjurō asks.

"Forgive me, my name is Yuan Chin. I own an antique shop here in Yokohama." She introduces.

"So you're Chinese, and yet you can speak Japanese?" Kyōjurō says.

"Yes, my mother is Chinese, thus it is my second language. And I'm assuming that you two must be Demon Slayers?" She adds.

"We are, I'm Rengoku Kyōjurō, the Flame Hashira." Kyōjurō says.

Was he nuts?! You didn't think telling your real name to a complete stranger was a good idea. You weren't so sure you could even trust this woman.

What if she was a demon in disguise?

"Kyō, I'm not really sure she could be trusted." You say.

Miss Chin chuckles, "I understand completely, but it's okay. I'm actually the one who reported to the Demon Slayer Corps in the first place."

"You're the whistleblower, then?" Kyōjurō questions.

"In a matter of speaking, yes. I'm sorry I didn't get in contact with you sooner." She says.

"It's quite alright. So.. you said you could help us?" Kyōjurō asks.

Chin nods, "Yes. Please follow me?" She motions for you and Kyōjurō to follow her as she turns to leave.

You however, still didn't quite trust her as you held onto your lover's arm protectively.

"Kyō, are you sure we can trust her?" You'd whispered in his ear.

"No.. but what other choice do we have?" He shrugs.

He did have a point, but you couldn't shake the eerie feeling as you both trailed after Miss Chin.


After opening a door, Miss Chin turned on a light, revealing a living area.

"Please come in and make yourselves comfortable?" She says, leading you two into what you'd assumed was the livingroom.

Both you and Kyōjurō took in all the antiques, such as an china cabinet with decorative porcelain plates and glasses, a old grandfather clock, and frilly lamp. You both took a seat on a bright red sofa with emboriey throw pillows.

You continue to cuddle against Kyōjurō's arm watching as Miss Chin sat on the arm chair facing you, whilst crossing her legs.

"Now then," she starts, "I'm assuming you two already know of the recent disappearances that's been happening around here?" She asks.

"We are, which is why we're investigating. But so far, we haven't gotten any clues that it could be the doings of a demon?" Kyōjurō explained.

"A body was found this morning near here. Authorities believe the victim was attacked by some wild animal, like a bobcat." Miss Chin says.

"While I was asking around, a man called me a yayu." Kyojuro says.

"Hmm, he was perhaps startled by your strange looks?" Miss Chin chuckles, "A Yayu is a beast that makes a sound like a crying child. It's often said to have looks like a dragon or tiger with flaming hair." She adds.

You couldn't help but laugh softly at that. You personally knew how the old man felt considering Kyōjurō's looks used to frighten you. But now, you find him fierce.. and sexy.

"Tales of demons are nothing new to us, so I'm very much aware of the existence of demons and the demon slayers." Miss Chin says as she stood and walked towards a table to retrieve a wooden box that was filled papers and documents.

"This is a list of missing persons closed cases." She says handing Kyōjurō the box.

"Closed cases?" Kyōjurō questioned as he glanced at the label on one of the folders.

"Yes, but obviously this is not a closed case: which is why I sent a distress call, since the government is at a loss." Miss Chin said as you began to help Kyōjurō go through the piles of folders and papers.

You fished out a random folder, and opened it─pulling out a file with an old vintage photo of a young girl.
"Name: Takamitsu Okito, age: 16, sex: female, went missing on March 11th 1919, at 7:00pm."

Kyōjurō then pulled out a newspaper clipping, "local Chinese merchant claimed to have seen a vampire. Police calls it a hoax."

"A vampire!?" Kyōjurō eyes widen in disbelief.

"Apparently, someone claim to have seen a jiāngshī." Miss Chin says.

"What's a jiāngshī?" You couldn't help but ask.

"In Chinese folklore, it's known as a hopping corpse or hopping vampire. A reanimated corpse which feeds on the Qi (life force/souls) of the living. Usually depicted with a paper talisman attached to its forehead." Explained Miss Chin.

"That sounds amazing!" Kyōjurō says in amusement, his eyes lighting up like a child's on Christmas morning.

It was clear he was becoming a fan of urban legends and cryptics, thus it's how he'd met you in the first place all because he had heard rumors of the Yukionna.

"Focus Kyō." You grumbled and rifled through more documents and finally located the current victim profiling sheet squashed in between a hand-drawn, birds-eye view map of the entire village.

You picked it up, inspecting it carefully. There was one location on the map that piqued your curiosity.

"Kyō, look at this?" You tell him.

Kyōjurō glanced over the map, "what is it my love?" He asks and noticed you were pointing at the layout of the woods which was located near the village.

It seemed to pinpoint a temple located in the woods nearby.

"It shows there's a temple in the woods near here. Apparently, it's where the body was found!" You say.

Miss Chin glanced over at the map, "Ah yes, I forgot there's an old temple near here." She says.

"It used to belong to a monk during the Meiji period. However, after he committed suicide, the temple was abandoned. It's unknown if it's still there or not?"

You and Kyōjurō glanced at each other in wonder.

"Then perhaps, we shall go see for ourselves?" Kyōjurō suggests.

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