45: The Date

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You stood in front of the mirror, adjusting and preparing yourself for your date.

Your outfit for the evening consisted of a (f/c) kimono and your hair styled in a (favorite hairstyle).

Honestly, you should have called the whole date off. You never actually been on a date before.

Indeed, this would be your first as you applied chapstick on your lips and a little perfume.

Soon there was knock on your bedroom door followed by Kyōjurō's voice.

"Are you ready, my love?"

Taking a deep breath, you walked over and slid the shoji open, revealing your lover.

Kyōjurō stood before you as golden and red eyes lit up at the sight of you, before glancing up and down your form.

"You look beautiful." He complimented and smiles brightly.

Your face heated up, "Ah, thank you!" Your eyes met and you felt your breath get taken away.

"Well, shall we be on our way?"

He asks as you both link arms.



The restaurant Kyōjurō had in mind wasn't very fancy or too expensive, which you had told him you didn't mind.

It was a small restaurant─a Izakaya, located in downtown Asakusa and Kyōjurō had told you that they had good food.

The setting was dimly lit, but cozy all the same, with shiny wooden tables, shoji windows, and paper lanterns that hung from the ceiling.

You sat next to Kyōjurō as you continue to read over the menu.

"Hmm, should I go with tempura tonight? It looks so good in the photo and─oh my God, they have teriyaki too! I haven't had that in so long... aww but the sushi also looks good."

Kyōjurō smiled fondly whilst glancing from his menu at you, watching your (e/c) eyes flit back and forth over the numerous options.

His eyes trailed over your face, watching how you bit your bottom lip as you contemplated on what you wanted to order.

Granted, Kyōjurō internally gushed at how cute you are.

"Y'know my sweet flame, you don't have to decide only on one dish." He spoke up, and your eyes connected with his playful and warm eyes.

"You can order anything you want." He adds.

"But I don't want to be greedy and eat you out of your wallet-" Your voice slowly trailed off and he raised an eyebrow upwards.

You internally realised your mistake!

Who did you think you were talking to? Kyōjurō is the mother f**king Flame Pillar! A man who kills demons for a living. Of course he's got money...you think?

"Nonsense, eat to your heart content, my love!" He boasted.

"Besides, we're on a date, so let's enjoy ourselves." He adds, his chin was set in the palm of his hand as he stared at you intently.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now