82: Satsumaimo!

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Last night, you didn't know why Kyōjurō's words provoked you so much?

You weren't able to get much sleep last night, not with Kyōjurō's words still ringing in your head.

You could never replace anyone's mother, let alone raise four orphan teens.

Although, you've grown attached to Tanjirō, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, however, you could never adopt them.

It just sound so silly, since you've barely even knew the four well enough to call them your own.

A part of you wanted to believe Kyōjurō just said that because he was their senpai and that it's in his nature of wanting to take care of his young kōhais.

You'd knew that's just the kind of person Kyōjurō is sometimes, both strong and genuinely empathic. Never once thinking about the negative outlook or berating others. He's never the one to dog people out.

You watched him time and time again encourage Tanjirō and friends to continue to grow strong and be kind. Indeed, he treated them as if they're his own kids, despite only being about five years older than them.

I guess..every shonen world needs that big brother/mentor type?....I mean what? You immediately shook your head, snapping out of your reverie.

Anywho, you, yourself were an orphan and you knew the feeling of being alone in a big world without a family. You've been alone most of your life, with only the snow and ice to keep you company; until you'd were found and taken in by Otsune.

You saw yourself in them; it's what originally made you empathic towards the four and a part of you couldn't help but want to protect them. At first, you were only being sentimental when you were beginning to see the four as your own, however, it would've seem that you were starting to take this "mother" thing quite literally, thanks to your ever optimistic husband.

"C'mon." You mumbled, striking the flintstones in your hands together to generate small sparks of fire.

You'd found a nice, quiet spot in the woods, since it was a nice day for a "family" outing. Eventually, you managed to get the camp fire going as you gently used an iron poker to stir the charcoal and wood, before impaling a fresh sweet potato on a stick and placed it on the open fire.

Your son, Taiyo is sound asleep and tucked safely inside the wrap of the baby sling as you carried him piggyback on your back.

"You can have this one, Senjurō." You say, offering the now roasted sweet potato to your beloved brother-in-law.

"Thanks Onee-san..." Senjurō smiled as he took in the smoke rising from the roasting sweet potato.

"Careful..it's hot." You warned, remembering that he can't handle hot food well. Not like his big brother.

Smiling, Senjurō blew on the sweet potato to cool it down some, before taking a small bite than his stomach would have liked due to him wanting to savor the taste..

"Mmm yummy," he marveled, the golden fluffiness of the potato warmed his tastebuds. Not at all dry, but soft and chewy thanks to the buttery layer.

"It's good, Onee-chan♡" he complimented as the sweet and savoring taste flows on his tongue.

"Good to hear. Now, if only Kyōjurō and the others could hurry up with the rest.. We'll be all set."

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