62: Honeymoon Night

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You and Kyōjurō opted for staying at the Sakurazaki- a mellow little ryokan located in the mountains of Kyoto for your honeymoon night. It wasn't too luxurious or insanely expensive, and had a down-home and cozy feel making it the perfect place to celebrate your wedding night.

Being married sure does carry an odd feeling?

It's the end of something and the start of something new. I mean, of course you're now consent to have kids, travel together so long as being demon slayers allows it, and sleep together in the same bed; yet there's a feeling of relief, like you've both achieve something?

"We're married, my love."

"Yes Kyō, we are married. Is there something wrong with that?" you asked your flaming husband as you continue to sort through your wedding gifts─which were just envelopes filled with money.

"No," He smiles sheepishly, "I'm just happy that we're official!"

"Well that's good to hear. I'm happy that you're happy."

"..And I'm never letting you go." He says.

You catch yourself staring at him and realize there's another feeling that comes with being a newly wed couple, besides love.


Your body hums in anticipation.

Though, a night of lounging in the ryokan's hot spring sounded like the perfect way to spend your honeymoon night and free your mind of the lewd thoughts that was rearing its naughty head. However, neither you and Kyōjurō were making it easy on another.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, my sweet flame?" Kyojuro asks, grabbing you by the waist and directing you to sit in between his legs; ensnaring your senses and consuming you in nothing but his presence.

You yelp as he pressed his lips against the soft flesh of your neck. The sensation no less electric than the previous, you found yourself being enamored by his words as sweet nothings of "my lovely wife," "beautiful wife," and "eternal flame" left his lips over and over again.

The feeling was intoxicating. Everything about Kyōjurō was nothing but. The past eighteen hours of marriage and the past ten or so of passion had confirmed something you'd always known of the man you loved; Kyōjurō was a incurable romantic through and through.

And having you as his wife, his one and only true love for the rest of his life, was quite possibly the biggest turn on the Flame Pillar could ever imagine.

Monogamy and commitment suited him perfectly. Every time you called him "goshujin-sama," you could practically hear the shutter run down his spine as you saw the admiration and love shine through his golden gaze.

It's no secret of how much you both wanted this, and if you hadn't been playing so hard to get, you would have ran off with him and eloped a long time ago.

But a relationship takes time and here you are; in your honeymoon suite, celebrating a promise you both had made in your hearts many months ago.

"Only about a million times, goshujin-sama." you answered with a sly smile, which then escalated into a giggle once you saw his flustered, yet ecstatic expression at the honorific.

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin